Chapter 6

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Zaiden was eating but was also watching Amelia who was not eating but was watching him in a very tense manner, when their eyes met, he could see the struggle she was going through inside her head. She needed to feed, soon before she lost control. He finished his steak sandwich fast and got up. He noticed how she immediately tensed at his movement. "Amy, let's go for a walk." She did not argue but was at his side instantly, he noticed how her nails had lengthened and her veins were filling with venom spreading throughout her body and skin. Before the others could ask any questions, they were out of the front door. The fresh breeze buzzed passed them ruffling their hair and welcoming them to their natural habitat. "Wanna run?" he grinned at her and raced off towards the thick forest that boarded around the mansion protecting it from the outer world. As they raced through the forest, she noticed the beauty of it; she never even knocked on a tree; her magnified vision gave her the perfect accuracy to move through the forest smoothly. Everything was so beautiful that it was distracting, she could notice every little detail from the tiny pollen in the flowers to the tips of leaves in the spiky pine trees that stood like tall giants on the forest floor. Soon she was distracted enough that she bumped on Zaiden who had abruptly come to a stop.

"Why did you stop?" she questioned quite put out by the fact that Zaiden has stopped all the fun she was having just by stopping the race. He chuckled, eyes shimmering with amusement as she scowled at him in annoyance, "close your eyes' ' he whispered. For a moment she was not sure, her muscles immediately tensed. "Trust me", he took her by the shoulders and turned her towards a creek behind them, "what do you hear?" he questioned. She did not hear much except for the loud sound of water gushing through the creak and birds chirping around them. When she repeated the sounds she heard to him, he chuckled, "concentrate, what do you hear beside the creek?" Suddenly she heard the sounds of soft sniffles and padding feet, a head of deer was grazing there. Her body became strictly alert, her fangs lengthened and venom filled her mouth, her nails lengthened into sharp claws and her body crouched ready to attack. But before she could hunt a soft growl rippled through Zaiden's warning her of some danger that was before them that she had not noticed. Suddenly with a sharp growl a lioness jumped through the dark bushes of her hideout causing all the deer to flee with fear for their lives. A sudden flare of resentment spread through her causing her to let out a growl that thundered through the forest but before the lioness could even move, she was on her wrestling her down and sinking her lengthened fangs deep into its skin. The lioness struggled beneath her but soon went immobile with the venom spreading through her blood causing her heart to stop beneath the skin. The warm liquid filled her mouth causing her burning veins to calm down and filling her stomach until she felt all sloshy and warm. She felt her pale skin flushing with colour and her shimmering ruby eyes dimmed into a darker red. Her nerves calmed and she felt strong and energized and her ability to concentrate increased after she hunted. "That's good you've calmed down", Zaiden smiled then took off his jacket to wrap it around her shoulder covering her blouse. That's when she noticed how it was coated with thick crimson stains of blood. She looked embarrassedly at him, he smiled and took her hand, "let's go back before they freak out." 

Zaiden was surprised, Amelia adjusted well to the forest background and hunted as if she had been doing it all her life. The more she impressed him with her talent to adjust into this life the more she feared his dream. Was she truly becoming the weapon she was meant to be? The question bothered him more than he thought it would. When they came back home everyone was busy with their own work, "your back, had a good hunt?" his father questioned eyeing the improvements on their clothes stained with blood. A soft smile of reassurance spread through Zaiden. Amelia disappeared upstairs while he sat down next to his father to tell about the hunt. 

Amelia was embarrassed her jeans were shredded and white blouse was bloodied. She went to the washroom and turned on the shower in a hot blast. The warm water trickled down her body, loosening her tensed muscle, and calming her nerves. It felt good after all that hunting, after the shower she changed into shorts and a skinny top sat up in the bed putting on a movie. Her body relaxed, she could get used to this perfect life but she still had to find out about her family, her parents and the answers about her memories. Soon she drifted off to sleep which was dominated by memories which came like night mares at her. She was stuck and couldn't breathe every time she opened her mouth, water chugged in her mouth, but she was not drowning. Soon she adjusted to the water tube and strange numbness spread; she saw several bodies moving around her and voices discussing in fearful tones. Then one face broke from the crowd and became clear, it was Clary but a much older version of her, "don't worry I'll keep her safe until she comes to the proper age and teach her everything to be human, when time comes she can fight to protect the prince and his circle. This was a great idea, using their own weapon against them. But there's one problem, if she was the weapon then wouldn't the prince be a child like her?", the voices whispered once more. "Yes, he will be, but we'll make sure they are friends because she is the only real threat to him and the circle, if she's in there with them the chance of them getting hurt is less." And then the darkness flooded back in, pulling her to deep slumber.  

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