Meeting the family

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"You better put that shy bullshit away, do you understand me? I don't want you embarrassing me, God I should have thought twice before I sent you to live with that man you call a father. I raised you and loved you but yet you have the nerve to prefer that man over me?" I looked out the window staring at the dark street as my mother scolded me, As always I ignored her and thought about more important things like the ending to the book I was currently reading.
Though I didn't like my mom I had more respect for her then to pull out the book and read as she was speaking, not that I was listening.

I couldn't wait to get back to New York to see my father again. I didn't want to be here, anywhere that my mom wasn't was paradise to me. Sadly I was here for the rest of the year because my mom was getting remarried.
I remembered being home with my father, we were having pizza while wacthing TV when the phone rang. He answered but walked to kitchen so I couldn't hear what he was saying or who he was talking to, I didn't think much of it till I heard the change in his voice. My father almost never gets angry unless I do bad in school or I did something where I put myself in danger, other then that he was cool dude. I remembered how he walked back in the living room with the phone in hand, he attitude was totally different. He was more tenses and his face was a light shade of pink, what made him this way? He handed me the phone and told me to it was my mother. My heart sunk to my stomach, I didn't like that woman. No she never abused me or did drugs or anything but I still didn't like her for cheating on my father and never being good to me when I was little.

"Hello?" I said rather quietly to the phone.

"Emma! How are you honey?" She cheered in excitement as if she cared about my well being. I bit on my lips while giving my dad questionable look, he sat down next to me and gave me a slight smile while mouthing "it's okay".

"I'm fine" was all I managed to say.

"Listen sweetheart I have exciting news" she said. I didn't say anything when she realized I wasn't going to speak she did.

"I'm getting married and your going to be my maid of honor! Isn't that great?" She said a little louder leading me to pull the telephone away from ear. I looked at my father once again, the look on my face said it all. I didn't want to got to Las Vegas with that woman, I didn't want to at all.

"Congratulations mom" I said.

"Thanks honey. You'll be leaving next week, I've already sent your plane ticket you should get it tomorrow"

"Next week?" I chocked out looking at my father with pleading eyes as if he could help me with the situation.

"Yeah, I'll be getting married in 3 months and I wanted to give you plenty of time to get to know everyone and of course you have to help me plan!"

"I have to be there 3 months ? Mom-"

"Don't be silly! You'll be here for 8 months, I want you to spend the holidays with me as well" when I heard that I dropped the phone and darted for my room.

"Emma!" My dad called after me but I ignored it. I buried my head into my pillow and let out a loud scream followed by sobs. I didn't want to go, how dare she? She was going to make me spend my summer and my winter with her, she was going to make me leave my father all alone? He'd be so lonely? He'd miss me to much. I'd miss him to to much. And how about my grandmother? I always slept over her house on Fridays and Saturdays because she liked my company. Who was going to keep her company? How about Jake? He's my best friend, how would he react to me leaving next week and not be back for 8 months? Why did this woman I called mother have to ruin everything? Life was perfect for me here!

I heard my bedroom door open and close. A weight sunk don't he right side of my bed as warm familiar hand rubbed my back.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart" my fathers rich soothing voice filled the room. I quickly sat up and sank into his arms.

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