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"Emma!" I heard my mother yell for me from the bottom of the steps.

"Coming!" I called back. I grab my small purse as quickly as possible along with my book. While rushing down the stairs I made sure I had everything I needed in my purse, chapstick, phone, gum, ear buds, all to get me through another horrible wedding event. I reached the living room to find the front door opened, they must be waiting in the car. Quickly I made my way out the door pulling it shut behind me, I didn't bother locking it due to the security David had around here.

"I told you not to leave us waiting!" I was trampled by my mother's annoying voice as soon as I steped foot in the limousine.

"Relax Monica, she was only in there for a minute" David was quick to defend me.

"Sorry, it won't happen again" I mumbled quietly while scooting over to the far left of the seat, I was trying to gain as much space as possible from them.

"Its alright sweetheart, your mother is the reason we are running late" David shot a look towards my mother leading her to roll her eyes.

"Now you two stop frowning, especially you Emma. I want you socializing today, people are beginning to ask questions and they don't look good on my part" David's words most certainly got my attention. People were talking about me? All I've done since I got here was keep to myself, I
was practically invisible! How was it that I was the topic of conversation? What were they saying?

"If you so much as open a that book tonight or embarrass either one of us I'll see to it that you never see another one of those novels again, do not screw up" my mother's words frightened me more then I wanted them to. I took her threat very seriously considering I get the books I read at the library in the mansion. I didn't know how she was planning to keep books away from me but I knew that it was possible.

"Monica, you can't take books away from a child, its doing her good" David frowned at my mother's comment before facing me again.

"Look sweetheart, we just want you to have a good time and meet new people. how can you do that when you have your face in a book all the time?" David smiled at me, I nobbed showing I understood not feeling like saying anything. I wanted this comversation to be over. For the rest of the ride to the dinner I sat quietly while  David and my mother discussed some details on the wedding. It was then I remembered what Michael told me about my father and grandmother attending their wedding. I wanted to ask David if I could have one more guest. Jake. I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. He's my bestfriend and I missed him very much, even if David said no more people could attend the wedding at least I asked. I wouldn't be able to enjoy my father's and grandmothers presents knowing that I didn't even mention Jake to David. I wasn't going to ask David now with my mother in the car, I'll ask him later tonight or I'll stop by his office tomorrow.

Finally, we arrived to our destination leading me to eagerly step out of the vehicle. I wanted nothing more then to be very far away from my mother and her boy toy, but I knew I couldn't hide myself in a corner and hope no one would see me. I had to soical. The idea made my tummy crumble but it was either this or kiss the only things keeping me sane goodbye.

It seemed like I bit off more then I could chew when I stepped foot into the dining hall. The amount of people overwhelmed me, I swallowed hard and grab one of the drinks the waiters where passing around. I didn't know what was in it but it was in a coffee mug so I didn't think it was alcohol. After walking around for a few minutes and smiling at strangers I found the urge to find a quiet spot and open my book. I praised myself for leaving my addiction in the car, Lord knows what would of happened if my mother caught me with it. I took a few sip of the tropical drink in my mug while leaning against the bar. I wacthed everyone enjoy them selves and laugh amongst one another, it was then I caught my mother staring dead at me like a hawk. She was warning me with her eyes to do more then just stand there. I didn't wait a second before moving off far out of her view but I knew it wouldn't be long before she found me again. I placed my now empty mug on a random table and began to look amongst the crowd for Michael. He was my only option right now, he was the only person that I knew. He hates me but I'll stick to owing him another favor; either this or my mother burns my books.

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