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I didn't want to be here, not at all. I wanted to sit in the car until the event was over, I wanted to blast Coldplay while finishing my book, I wanted to be anywhere but here. I looked at the people that walked around having a good time and I thought to myself "I'd never fit in here". They laughed and talked while taking very few sips from the alcoholic beverages, some people were snacking on the little sandwich like things the waiters passed around, everyone one was having a good time. I spotted a small group of teenagers my age but even they looked to high class for my liking. They wore fancy clothes and even drank the drinks that had alcohol in them. I faced the facts, my time here was going to be the death of me. I bit my lips as I flickered the pages of my book, I really wanted to finish it but my mother being the evil twat she is forbid me to even open it while I was here. she also told me not to embarrass her which meant "keep your butt glued to a seat" and that's exactly what I've done since I arrived. I was clumsy and the last thing I wanted was a reenactment of what took part last week at the dinner.

I watched the people around me and politely smiled at the people who looked at me, I didn't want them to report to my mother that I was to shy to even smile, lord knows the crap she'll say to me. I mentally slapped myself when I felt my tummy growl. I wasn't going to get up and find some food, I was going to sit here and wait till everyone was called into the next room where dinner was to be served. I was grateful that this wasn't one of the wedding events, it was Mr. Bax event for his company. If this was a event for the wedding, I would have no choice but to be glued to my mothers side and be forced to meet new people. My cheeks would be pained from fake smiling all night. I continued to sit just watching people have fun around me. It accrued to me that my mother was one of the people to deep in the mood to even shot a glance at me. Very sneakily I flipped to the page I've been aching to read all night and like every time I read a novel, I got lost in it. My eyes scanned the pages, word after word, sentence after sentence, I buried myself in the novel.

"I don't think your mother will be please to hear about this" that familiar sugar coated voice shot shivers down my spine, I felt my stomach dropped like it did on roller coaster. Slowly while licking my lips I looked up at the man who I've been secretly avoiding all night, my soon to be uncle. As I recalled, indeed he was handsome, so handsome it was hard to breath. He wore a sharp suit that made his arms look huge, he could have me in Acoma with just one punch. His hair was freshly cut and styled to perfection a long side his facial hair. He clenched an empty glass in his hands and that's when I took notice on how huge his hands looked, veins popping out from every direction. I swallowed hard while shutting the book, looking down at my lap I prayed he wouldn't go to my mother.

"I'm sorry" I say while nibbling on my lips, I don't think he heard me due to how low I speaking, I was to frightened to look at him directly to tell. While inhaling sharp shaky breaths I wondered how he found me amongst everyone here. I thought I hid myself well sitting off in the corner by myself.

"such pity" he spat. I heard the slight click of his shoes hit the freshly polished marble floors, he was walking away from me. My tummy did even more outrageous flips at the thought of him leaving me here to go run to my mother, what to do?

"sir" I called loud enough so he could hear me. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face me with a devilish smirk playing on his full lips, I was beginning to feel as if he planned this in a way.

"please..." I meant to say more but I felt my bottom lip begin to tremble which caused me to gently bite down on it, it was a nervous tick I had. I saw his grip tighten around the glass he had in his hands as I spoke, he shifted his weight on one leg while clearing his throat waiting for me to continue. I glanced at the ground then back up at his face, his features stronger than ever.

"please d-don't tell my mother, she'd be so embarrassed with me....a-and..and-" I couldn't exactly form my words with his eyes piercing through me, I wasn't even sure if he could hear me due to how low I spoke.

Possessive UncleWhere stories live. Discover now