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Yoana Thomas

"We offer online classes if that's something you're also interested in" Mrs

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"We offer online classes if that's something you're also interested in" Mrs.Tal the director of FAMU said turning towards me and Kylan.

Kylan decided to drag me out of bed- literally and made me come with him around community colleges in the area. I didn't mind because I never really had transportation to do it and searching online wasnt benefiting me.

I was beyond grateful that I was fixing to start school. I looked over the brochure and packets she gave me one last time.

"Do y'all offer clinicals? or is that a different field for school?" I asked rubbing my thumb.

"Umm.." She tooted up her nose typing something on the computer, "Unfortunately we don't. I can send you to a Tech school. It's just like college I dont know the requirements or how long it is but it's a college just for your profession you wanna work in" She said writing down some information on a piece of paper.

'Lively Technical College' It read. I stood up to my feet, shaking her hand giving her a warm smile. "Thank you" I mumbled walking to the door with her hot on my trail.

She led us to the exit and waved goodbye to us. I smiled again getting in the car with Kylan. I fastened my seatbelt and googled the college she gave us.

"How you feeling?" He mumbled pulling off campus, I shrugged my shoulders thinking deeply about the question.

"I feel good to be honest" I shrugged the question off since I felt like I was overthinking it.

"Mm" He hummed in response before picking up his phone. I unlocked my phone getting on tiktok.



"Im with Yoyo where you at?"


"Ight" He hung up, doing a U-turn in the middle of the road. I sat up becoming more alert, biting the inside of my lip.

I watched my surroundings around me carefully and kept quiet for a few moments before speaking.

"Where we going?" I mumbled as we turned into a gated community.

"Mal's spot" He said making another turn. "Oh shit you cool with that?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Don't really a choice now considering the fact we're already here" I mumbled watching us pull up in Mal's driveway.

He chuckled, blowing the horn. Few moments later, Mal came outside in a white tee, Amiri sweats and crocs.

He got in the backseat slightly slamming the door. I inhaled his scent he smelled like Tom ford and weed. I kept quiet as we pulled out the driveway.

"Why he with us?" I asked glancing over at Ky.

"Damn" Mal chuckled, "Why I can't hang with my homeboy?"

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