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Yoana Thomas

"I don't wanna hear it Yandi" I mumbled as me and Arrya sat in the cafe at the table with her and Pablo- Arrya's biological father

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"I don't wanna hear it Yandi" I mumbled as me and Arrya sat in the cafe at the table with her and Pablo- Arrya's biological father.

"So where you was all my life?" Arrya asked Pablo as he sat quietly, playing with his watches.

"She asked you a question" I sat chiming in, "Y'all are pathetic as fuck.. every last one of y'all" I said.

"Yoana you need to calm down" Yandi said in a stern tone.

"Or what?" I asked scoffing, "You have no right to tell me how to feel right now Yandi. I'm a grown ass woman with feelings! You don't get to tell me what the fuck to do and what not to do just because you have the title of being my birth mother" I said mugging her, bouncing my leg up and down chuckling in the process.

"Just let me explain" Yandi pleaded, extending her hand out across the table.

"What's an explanation for attempting to save one of your daughters from drugs and leaving the other to defend for herself in this wicked ass world? hm? What's an explanation for abandoning both daughters whether one was clean or one was on drugs? hm? What's an explanation for being here trying to explain yourself cause you ran from your responsibilities?" I asked, looking at her.

"Sweetie listen.." She trailed off, "It's Yoana. I'm not your sweetie, baby, or whatever else you feel the need to call me" I corrected her.

"I wanna hear from my father you ran from your responsibilities like a coward and let Tony take care of me like I was his child and I wasn't, why?" Arrya asked sniffling.

"If y'all shut up and listen!" Yandi stressed, rubbing her forehead.

"Well fucking talk" I mugged her before rolling my eyes.

"Terry took care of you because Yandi didn't want me in your life because I wouldn't leave my wife for her and she damn near killed me but she did kill my wife and paid the people in the hospital to say I died so I wouldn't live to tell on her but it backfired on her. My cousin was the nurse looking after me, she took the money- 10 grand to be exact, took the money, and called the police on Yandi- Yandi was on the run by the time she was abandoning y'all and she never told y'all.. she dropped Arrya off in search of you, Yoana the police found her and arrested her and she was in and out of prison still on a killing spree out to get your dad Yoana until they got her and put her away and I bailed her out" Pablo calmly explained as I took in everything he said looking at my mother who sat expressionless.

Arrya was in full blown tears as I comforted my sister just staring at my "mother". This was one evil bitch.

"Pablo beat me that was my reasoning for trying to harm him" Yandi tried to defend herself as I shook my head.

"To sum this all up, you were a side hoe who got pregnant and thought he was going to leave his wife for you?" I asked as Pablo nodded, "And you bailed her out like a dummy when she was wanted and on the run.. why?" I asked still feeling confused.

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