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Arrya sat her favorite cafe, enjoying a latte doing a cross word puzzle something she found herself doing daily

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Arrya sat her favorite cafe, enjoying a latte doing a cross word puzzle something she found herself doing daily. She had been staying to herself lately, checking in on her loved ones every once in a while.

She often found herself wanting to text Yoana but she always talked herself out of it. She didn't want to force herself on her sister and cause her to be even more distant from her.

She did nothing in her free time so she often came to the cafe by herself when she needed time to reflect on her week. Her week had been going good so far, times like this made her wish she had a family. Arrya identified as bisexual, finding herself more attracted to boys than girls though- she loved girls for their tongue. It was indeed true, girls used their tongue better than boys.

She had thoughts about starting her own family with someone who would love her unconditionally. Arrya was diagnosed as infertile at a young age so her chances of carrying her own child were zero to none. She often thought of marrying a man, that came with his own kids so she could love them as her own but she felt she was too busy drowning in her own problems to look for love.

Growing up, she watched her mother and Yoana's father, shower Yoana with affection since Yoana was the youngest- only by a year. Yoana developed and matured quickly than Arrya did. Watching her parents interact with Yoana as if she was their only daughter made her feel insecure and unloved. She never showed it however, she loved her sister unconditionally no matter what. Was Arrya a bit jealous? Yes. Arrya wanted her own father but due to her father being absent when Arrya was maybe three, she never got that chance.

As Arrya got older, she looked for love in the males she dated. She had sex with them, they told her everything she needed to hear from a man that a daughter should hear from their father. When those drugs first became apart of Arrya's system she relied on them just like Yoana did but only for a couple of months before she started hating how the drugs made her feel.

Two semi-loud voices quickly filled the cafe causing Arrya to be knocked out of her thoughts. Arrya was able to hear the voices because it was only a few people in the cafe at this certain time. She looked up slowly eyeing the two people who had walked inside the cafe. The caramel lightskin lady, with her long black hair pulled into a ponytail walked in with a tall older looking man that was brownskin. They walked and took their seat near Arrya's table.

Arrya studied the lady carefully, she looked so familiar like she'd seen this lady before. The lady had on a white tee shirt, pink shorts and white sandals. She looked middle-aged, maybe mid 40's. The lady looked around the cafe, locking eyes with Arrya.

The lady gasped slightly, tapping on the man saying something unreadable as the man looked up at Arrya. Arrya felt herself become uncomfortable under their gaze so she looked down at her puzzle.

The man and woman stood up, slowly moving towards Arrya table. They approached her table, staring at her in shock.

"Arrya?" The lady said letting Arrya's flow from her mouth, perfectly.

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