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Malachi Brown

"I'm just saying" I chuckled, "We doing you a favor nigga don't talk side ways to my baby" I shrugged

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"I'm just saying" I chuckled, "We doing you a favor nigga don't talk side ways to my baby" I shrugged.

Earlier, Li' baby called me explaining the situation that occurred at the funeral home and now Trell was back at Ky's house wanting to know more information about his patna.

"It wasn't nothing like that" He mumbled shrugging mugging me on the low.

"Sounds major to me especially about mines" I spoke mugging him back as Ky shushed us.

"Y'all being childish" He chuckled printing out some papers, placing them in a folder.

"Here that should be enough for you" Ky said handing Trell the papers and Trell simply walked out the door.

"Nigga better get his shit together before he end up beside his patna" I said as Ky chuckled.

"That was a low one"

"Telling it how it is Ion give a damn about helping him piece together nothing for no dead nigga merched like he said li' baby didn't even know Ike" I shrugged, lighting up my blunt.

"Chill Mal" Ky mumbled turning off his computer.

"What you found anyway?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I rewinded the cameras on every block from when Trell arrived at his crib.. about two cars behind him a unmarked car was following him but they turned off when Trell pulled up on his block"

"Any video footage after that was erased I couldn't pull nothing back up except 12 pulling up to the scene" He shrugged sighing.

"Damn whoever did this been watching em for a minute" I mumbled, shaking my head, "That's fucked up"

"That's life" Ky shrugged as Jaden walked through the door.

"Hey Mal" She spoke walking in the kitchen, "Wassup" I chuckled.

"Damn the doorbell and your knuckles work" Ky said mugging li' baby as she walked through the door and I laughed.

"I can't tell it work you won't keep the door locked the hell" She said rolling her neck.

"You know I liked you better as a quiet crackhead" He uttered as she busted out into a big fit of laughter.

I chuckled, I'm glad she got a good sense of humor cause that definitely could've went left.

"Not too much though" She mumbled wiping her face and I mugged her, "It wasn't even that funny"

"Yes it was funny to me I don't know why" She huffed sitting down on the chair.

Ky chuckled, "You know i'm fucking with you lil bit" She gave him a smile and nodded, "Boy I didn't take offense to that"

"Just making sure" He shrugged, chuckling as li' baby darted up and ran to the bathroom.

"What the fuck?" Ky mumbled in confusion as I got up and went into the bathroom.

Yoyo was hovered over the toilet, throwing up everything she probably ate in the last hour or two. I knelled down rubbing her back.

"I need-" She started before she cut herself off by throwing up some more.

"Breathe Breathe" I mumbled as she rested over the toilet trying to catch her breath.

"Pregnant" Ky said putting down a water and a toothbrush and she waved him off.

"My cycle is on" She mumbled flushing the toilet as I helped her up.

"You okay?" I asked as she nodded chugging some water before brushing her teeth.

"You sure?"

"I'm positive"

"Positive just like a pregnancy test" Ky joked and she mugged him and I chuckled.

"Hellooooooooo?" I answered the phone as my mama name flashed across the screen.

"You must threw me away?" She asked mumbling as I heard shuffling before it ceased.

"Nah I been busy ma what you doing lady?" I asked sitting down as Yoyo sat beside me laying across my lap.

"Who that?" Yoyo asked looking at me in confusion.

"Who is that worried about who I am hell" My mama said as I chuckled giving the phone to Yoyo so she can see for herself.

"Hello?" Yoyo spoke putting the phone on speaker.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"I'm Yoana Mal's girlfriend who is this?"

"His girlfriend? I didn't even know he had a damn girlfriend but I'm his mom, Faye"

"He just asked me to be his girlfriend recently"

"Ooh okay I can't wait to meet you baby can you pass Mal back the phone? I got words for that bastard" My mama fussed as Yoyo laughed passing the phone back to me and I took it off speaker.

"Don't start I got caught up mama and Yoyo took my mind off a few things and shid I let the time by pass me and now she my baby" I said as my mama smacked her lips.

"Mhm whatever you say! When Ima meet her?" She asked as I chuckled, "Soon mama we gone plan a trip down there ima have her look at tickets today"

"Okay baby be safe and stay out of trouble I love and miss you so much" She sighed, "I miss and love you too Faye"

"Don't play with me boy" She sternly said and I laughed as the line disconnected.

"How y'all feel about a trip to Atlanta soon?" I asked rubbing my beard, looking up at Ky.

"For Faye fine ass? You know how I feel thats my baby" He cheesed and I mugged him, waving him off.

"My mama don't want you green ass nigga"

"Niggas be hating on they patna downfall, shit crazy"

"The trip to Atlanta sounds good but I can't take a trip this soon I just got back from vacation" Yoyo said and I nodded, rubbing her back.

"Oh shitttt I forgot to tell y'all" Ky said sitting up as we all put our attention on him.

"Arrya back hooked"

"Back hooked?" I asked in confusion as he nodded.

"Back on drugs?" Yoyo asked and he nodded.

"What the hell" I said shaking my head, "I wonder what made her relapse"

Yoyo chuckled and I looked down at her, "Whats funny?"

"I know what probably made her relapse" She said as the room fell quiet, "Our mother"



Damn damn damn Ari back onnat stuff 😩

Y'all think yoyo pregnant? 👀

10 chapters lefttttt 🥹

Thoughtsssss?? 🤔

I love y'all ❤️


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