Chapter 2 : Norwest Christian College

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*Amelie's POV*

Here I am. 

The place that I've been warned about and told to never go. 

But I'm here. 

Norwest Christian College. 

I never wanted to go here. I want to go back to America. Back to Washington. Back to Seattle. 

It isn't so hot here as I thought it was going to be. It was actually quite pretty here. The sea looked pretty on the flight in. 

But forget about that. I still don't want to be here. 

I'm only here because my mom got a job at some high school that wanted her. I don't understand WHY she left her job in America to go teach high school history in Australia. I tried to find out why, but she kept saying it was better. She's an confusing woman, I swear. 

That and that I have a internet friend that I know that lives in Australia. I even think he goes here. 

I look up at the entrance, wanting to curl up into fetus position and cry my eyeballs out. I don't like going to new places...especially when they include teenagers and people that will judge me no matter what I do. I look around me, spotting an familiar looking boy. Who happens to be looking STRAIGHT AT ME.

"Kort?" I say, walking over to him and smiling.

"Amelie?" He says back, walking to me. 

"I can't believe that I'm really meeting you!" 

"You too! How's Australia treating you?" 

"I wanna go back."

"I'm not letting you go back!" He says, wrapping me in his muscular arms. I take this moment to check him out, noticing him clad in uniform similar to what I was wearing. Him in a green blazer with a button up under it and dress pants and me with the button up and blazer, but adding a skirt. It was cute, except for the green. I preferred black to anything. "You're going to stay here with me!" Kort had his black hair cut short. He was attractive, except for one detail that I knew about him. He's gay. But hell, that's cool. "Let's go in!" We walk into the school, chatting about the plane ride before he smiles. "What do you have first?" 

I pull out my schedule out of my messenger bag, seeing English 101 first. "English 101. It's going to be okay. I hope." 

"You'll be fine. I have to warn you though."

"Why? Teacher a bitch? Essay due today?"

"No. There's two boys that you have to keep an eye on." 


"Their names are Michael Clifford and Calum Hood."  

"Yo! Mikey and Calum are chill as fuck though!" A blonde boy says, coming up to Kort. "Well, to me." 

Kort lets out a sigh before smiling at the boy. "Luke, this is Amelie. Amelie, Luke. She moved here from America. Amelie, this is Luke, my boyfriend." 


"You are from America." Luke says, staring at me wide-eyed. He must have never met an American or something. He's acting like I'm an Alien or some kind of extinct creature. 

"She's not some kind of Alien, Luke."

"Sorry, sorry. I've never- you know. Nice to meet you." He hugs me quickly before smiling. "What do you have first?" 

"English 101." 

"We're right by there. We have biology." 

"Sounds so much better than English." 

I Can't Remember - A Michael Clifford and Calum Hood FanficWhere stories live. Discover now