Chapter 6 : Typical Calum

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*Michael's POV*

When science – anatomy to be precise- came along after lunch, a miracle happened.

Calum didn't even talk to me. It surprised me, due to the fact that he usually never left me alone. The class was actually decent without Calum sitting next to me and making jokes about the teacher, who had a slight cleft lip. He may or may not also talk with a strange accent like a Scot mixed with a German and Australian. To be honest, it was a little strange. The class was quiet, not a voice except for the teacher who was dribbling on about the bone structure in the arm. It was boring, of course. He turned around before I did, looking around for Calum. No wonder he wasn't talking to me! He wasn't even in the class! This fuck ditched class. Didn't even matter, though. The bell rang and the class started to stand up and filing out of the class. Finally. I packed up my notebook and pencil before walking out, running a hand through my hair. Day over. Now, for tonight. I walked out of the room, before a hand wrapped around my shoulders. "Yo, Mikey!"

I look over, seeing Calum standing there smiling. "Where the fuck were you?"

"Bro, don't be this way." Calum murmurs before smiling. "You ready for tonight?"

"Of course I am." I'm getting the girl. No matter what you say.

"Good. Come on, I'll give you a ride home." He drags me out of the building, arm still wrapped around my shoulders. If I didn't know better, I'd say this fuck is drunk. I take a quick sniff before nodding. No alcohol smell. This is just sober Calum. Nothing fucking new. He takes me into the parking lot to the bright ass yellow Hummer. The famous piece of shit that Calum's gotten girls in the past with. Honestly, I'm proud that Amelie shut him down on it. Because, inside, I know Calum's hurt about it. He popped the lock before we jumped in, me in the passenger seat and him driving. The Hummer was his precious. He won't let anyone drive it except him.

Typical fucking Calum.

He turned up the music, some random EDM song coming on. It wasn't my type of music. But it definitely was Calum's. His head bounced to the music, mimicking every sound with his voice or head. Sighing, I watch out of the window, noticing someone walking on the sidewalk. When we get closer, I notice that it's Amelie. Calum must have too, due to him screeching the tires and pulling beside her. He rolls down my window before I lean out of it and say, "Hey."

"Hi again."

"Want a ride?"

"Nah, I'm good. I'm not that far from my house."

"You sure?" After all, I don't want her out here walking by herself. No matter how good of a neighborhood it is, there is always some creep that decides to take someone.

"I'm pretty sure." She says before continuing walking. That clearly pisses Calum off, due to him following her more. She looks ahead of her before looking back at me. "Sure." She gets into the backseat, sitting down and buckling herself in. "Thanks."

"It's nothing. You coming tonight?" Calum butts in. Clearly, he has only one thing in mind.

"Yeah. A friend convinced me."

"You sure? You should be reading Catcher In The Rye for Mr. Howell's class." I say, clearly trying to get on her nerves. Ever heard anything about a guy teasing a girl to show that he likes her? Yep, that's me.

"I've read it so many times in high school it isn't funny. I can recite parts at times." Damn, she's smarter than I thought.

"Do it." Calum adds, not looking away from the wheel.

"If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, an what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth." She says, adding depth into every word and phrase. She could do this for a living if she really wants. And I would pay to see it.

"Dude." I say, looking over at Calum.

"Turn here." She says as Calum makes the turn, seeing houses come into sight. One has a moving truck in the parking space. Wonder what house is hers? Maybe it's that nice one down the street. We drive down the street, stopping in front of the house with the truck outside when she says, "Right here." She climbs out, Calum rolling down his window this time. Hm. "Thanks again."

"I'll see ya tonight, right?"

"Yep. Bye." She walks towards the house before Calum drives away and back towards my house.

"She's pretty cool, huh?" Calum says, clearly trying to stop the conversation awkward.

"Yea. She is."





Not much of an Authors Note, is it?


I love Michael <3


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