Lesson 1: Follow and Comply

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"Im telling you, he started this commotion..."

"They're children ma'am. They get into fights. They're boys!"

"Do not give me such reasons!"


"My boy is an angel... That fiend is a devil's son!"

It was dark and felt numb. he hears people talking, but they were distant. He's head hurts and he can't move properly. The voices overtime becomes clearer as time passes.

"Uhhg..." he utters

He forced his body to move, yet the numbness made him paralyzed. With determination, he attempted moving his fingers and toes.


"I-Is he waking?" a voice of a woman questioned.

"No, he must be dreaming" a deep voice said.

"Unbelievable! sigh..." she stated.

He wiggles his digits and feels them. Tenses his muscles on his legs.


Then his arms and slowly regained feeling.

"Why cant I see?"


The numbness subsides.

He kept moving by forcing them to his control and suddenly, his body jolts and sensation flooded his nerves.

He felt horrible pain.

"Aah! He's possessed!" yelled by a woman's voice.

"Ma'am, calm down. Its just muscle contractions.." a mans voice reassures.


Rattle... Shake...


"Uhg! Why does my body hurt!"

Tap tap tap

"Son, relax ok." the man in white said to him. "Can you understand me?"

"Son?" he thought.

The man in white pressed him down by his shoulders. The soft cushion of the bed catches him.

"Good... your awake. We have alot to discuss Mr. Williams." said the woman.

Tap tap tap

An older woman with pearl earrings came into view. Short brown curly hair, round glasses, and a black uniform with white round collars.

He was confused from being called Williams, he goes by a different name.

"W-where am I?"

He looked around the room as he lay on the bed. He was confused as hell on whats going on.

"Im supposed to be dead..."

"But you aren't, your lucky" the man in a with coat stated.

Feeling weak and his whole body sore. He lifted his hands to hold his head, but was shocked instead. His hand are small.

"What the-?"

He bends and curls his fingers. They did and it solidified that these hands are his own.

"What are you doing?" asked the older lady.

She looked impatient and irritated from the way she looked at him.

"Please son, don't move."

The doctor took a comically large stethoscope cope and pace it on my chest.

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