Flora's Song

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Flora's song is called "Long Way Home"

The song is about a man who leaves his home to cross the continent. The melody starts off soft and quiet and then grows gradually with every verse. The first verse starts off with him embarking on the journey, walking through his home town and away from all the familiar lands.

The second verse is about him exploring the new world around him, being fascinated by the vast forests, steep mountains and blue lakes. Along the way he meets many different people, some kind some not.

The chorus tells about how he keeps going, walking with an unshakable determination. It's also questions if he knows where he is going, to which the answer sounds "where ever my heart may take me I shall go".

In the third verse he comes across a desert, which he attempts to traverse. However it is harsh to him and he thinks he may die, until a stranger saves him and helps him across.

In the fourth verse the two travellers, who have become good friends, decide to continue together. They meet many others who they help out, some who also decide to travel with them.

Once again the chorus asks the man if he knows where he is going, and his answer is the same as last.

In the fifth verse the man looks at all of his companions. All of them are as unique as the colours of the world. He reflects over the fact that he would never have met them had he not set out on this journey.

It then rolls into the chorus which talks about how you may not always know where you're going, but it's okay because that's the beauty of life.

At a first glance the song seems to be about a traveler who just wants to see the world, but there are many different ways to interpret it. The most popular is that the whole journey is a metaphor for life itself. The man starts off in a familiar and known place, which represents childhood, then he embarks on his journey into unknown lands but his attitude is positive, which represents ones teenage years. When he gets to the desert he cannot cross it until someone helps him, which reflects how harsh reality can feel when you loose your innocence and how you will face problems which you can not solve alone.

Even the melody itself adds and extra layer to the story, sneaking in cues often used in plays, movies and video games. For example in the second chorus, when the man gives his answer, there are used chords which indicate sadness, meaning that he might regret or not truly know if he is doing the right thing. However in the fifth verse where he looks at all of the friends he has made, the melody goes back to using chords indicating happiness.

All of these elements are put together in a very clever and masterful way, to make a song that both fits Eurovision perfectly while simultaneously being so much more.

「Note: It appears that the song is the same in every timeline regardless of the year of participation and Flora's age. However the inspiration for it varies.」*

*{This song does not exist in our universe - Chaya}

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