Flora and Madrid pre-party pt. 1

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For the pre-parties, Flora's team consists of her friends alongside her manager. Since they encouraged her to go on this journey, she will now encourage them to be part of it.
Ethan and Riona will be her make up artists, Riona will also be her designer, and Ethan her stage coordinator. Sebastian will be her photographer. These are things they've tried for their own band, so she believes they can handle the pre-parties. Of course all of them are in contact with other professionals, in case things take a turn.

When they get to Sala La Riviera, they prepare for a sound check and quick rehearsal. Flora is complimented on her performance and Ethan comes over to her to tell her about ideas he got for her performance at the semifinal.

When Flora comes back stage again she spots Angelina Mango.
"Hey, Angelina Mango?"
She says.
"Ciao! Oh uhm... you're Flora right?"
Flora nods.
"This may seem odd, but have met before?"
Again she nods, this time grinning too.
"We met the day on the first night of Sanremo. You had gotten lost and asked for directions"
Angelina's eyes grow.
"I remember that!"
She says.
"Did I properly thank you for that?"
They chatter for a little more before it is Angelina's turn to rehearse. When she leaves, Flora's friends come over to her.
"Your ability to just go up to people is quite scary"
Ethan says.
"I think it's even scarier how she seemingly knows everyone. I know we're all like 6 degrees of separation from knowing everyone, but for Flora it's either 1 or 2 degrees"
Sebastian adds. Riona chimes in with:
"We should keep track on how many Flora has met at least once before"
They all laugh, while Flora just shakes her head at them. Just then the Croatian delegation walks in and someone catches her eye. Next to Baby Lasagna is a brunette woman.
"Well guys, here's another one for you"
Everyone look at each other expectantly, as she makes her way.

"Liza? Elizabeta Ružić?"
Flora asks. The woman looks at her confused, but then something seems to click.
She exclaims happily. The two kiss each other once on each cheek before hugging. Baby Lasagne switches between looking from one to the other..
"You know each other?"
He asks. Elizabeta looks up at him with a smile.
"We met about 10 year ago, when I took that summer job at that camp I've told you about"*

*「Note: This seems to be true for every reasonable timeline」

She turns her attention back to Flora.
"It's so good to see you again. I don't know how I didn't recognise you, what are you doing here?"
Flora knows, but just smiles.
"I'm Denmark's representative"
"Wait... oh my god"
She looks at Marko and he glances back at her.
"I told you she looked familiar"
She says in Croatian. He just shrugs.
"Anyway, how have you been? Are you still in contact with Knežević? How's your sister?"
Flora asks, keeping them away from an awkward silence.
The two women start talking excitedly about their time together all those years ago, about the people they knew and what they might be up to today.
Marko just stands there, quietly, feeling a bit left out. While they talk, he study Flora a bit, trying to figure out how old she would've been 10 year ago. From the way they talk, it sounds like they both worked there, but Flora looks too young to have done that a decade ago. Suddenly Elizabeta pats him on the shoulder.
"And this is my Fiancée"
He nods and gives a slight smile. They shake hands, and he suddenly feels like, he's with Elizabeta at an event and not the other way around.
"You should talk some too"
She says.
"After all, you're the contestants"
And with that she leaves them. Marko stares after her, as she disappears into the crowd.

"She's very sweet"
Flora says, her voice suddenly has a much calmer tone over it. He smiles a bit more.
"Yeah. She's wonderful... so you met at a summer camp?"
"That's right. We were partners and I taught her the ropes"
Very visible cogwheels turn behind Marko's eyes and Flora knows what's up. She can't help but laugh.
"You thought I was much younger, didn't you?"
He looks away, blushing from embarrassment.
"I was 20 back then. My birthday is actually coming up soon. 1st of April"
The realisation that she is actually older than he is hits him, and he knows he does a bad job at covering his surprise. He quickly scans the room to look for his fiancée, but doesn't find her anywhere. He feels pretty awkward and very embarrassed, but when he looks back at Flora, he seems to calm down. She is still smiling at him, a serene aura emanating from her.
"If it's any comfort, you're not the first. As in, I have to show ID almost every time I by alcohol or go to a club"
Flora says, shrugging.
Somehow she saves him from his own anxious thoughts and they get a nice conversation about Eurovision and a little about Croatia, until his manager calls for him.

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