Flora and Madrid pre-party pt. 3

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For the performance Riona has picked out an ocean green dress which gradually becomes more blue towards the bottom. Design wise it is very simple, but it does it's job well.
The choreography consists of Flora walking from one end of the stage to the other while singing a verse. In the background the lyrics will play on a black screen, and when the chorus hits she'll reach her hand out towards the centre of the stage, as if she is the unknown asking the wanderer if he knows where he's going. The background will also change to match that of the lyrics video.

While waiting backstage she falls in a conversation with Ladavina. To not reveal her language mastery she has Riona translate to French for her.
"[FR] I love the whole vibe of your song!"
She tells them.
"[FR] Thank you!!! We love yours too. It's amazing how you fit so much into just 3 minutes"
Jaklin squeals.
"[FR] It's like a whole world opens up to you"
Louise agrees.
Riona then nudges Flora with her shoulder.
"[FR] And to think Flora here didn't even think about sending in her song"
She says, making the two look in surprise.
"[FR] Really? But it sounds so official, like it's made for like a movie or a video game!"
"[FR] Aw, that's very kind of you to say"
Is all Flora says. Riona gives her look that says 'really? That's all you have to say?', since she thinks, she's being too humble about her song. Like, she should own it more. She made a great piece of art and should be proud of it.
Suddenly Flora's manager appears. It is her time. She says goodbye to the duo, who wish her good luck.

The stage is dark, when the music begins to play. Flora begins her song and walks into view, only dim, white light shine on her. The audience cheers loudly, yet it isn't enough to deafen the power of her voice.
When the chorus hits everyone sings along, their voices are harmony of love, admiration and unity. Flora smiles to herself.
As her song comes to a close, the background reveals a majestic art piece with the text "to the love of my parents". The audience cheers even louder, a thing you'd think impossible.
"Thank you, everyone! ¡Muchas gracias, Madrid!"
She yells out and bows deeply.

"You were wonderful!"
Riona screams when she comes backstage. She catches her in a tight hug, which Sebastian and Ethan join.
"Guys! Guys you're flattening me to a pancake"
Flora says.
"Yeah, don't hog her!"
She hears Olly say. The others move to reveal that quite a lot of people are actually waiting to congratulate her. She leaves one massive hug for another. Eventually she ends up at Marko and Elizabeta.
"It's still surreal to think we used to work together"
She says while hugging her. It really is, however Flora is used to it by now. That fact shouldn't come as a surprise or even anything shocking, but for some reason, she feels a tug. In the back of her mind, something suddenly stirs. For a split second, a moment so short it might not have happened, everything goes quiet. It really is surreal, that they worked together, that Olly knows Gemma*, that Bambie has a necklace made by her.

* {Her ex - Chaya}

"So like, how exactly did you meet?"
Marko asks, bringing the world back. Flora blinks a single time, first looking at him, then at Elizabeta.
"You haven't told him???"
"I said I would once we saw you again"
As they tell their backstory, Flora even giving some details on why she was in Croatia, Flora notices how Marko seems to calm down. He goes from a stiff stance and shifts fidgeting with his hands, to being more loose and expressive. Maybe Elizabeta purposely kept it a secret, so she could have a distraction.
"So SERVICE, which organises the camp every year, actually has many camps all over Europe and North America. As a permanent employee you can choose which camp you want to work at, when they open up"
Marko looks in surprise at all the info being dumped on him.
"I heard they were in Slovenia and Serbia too, but I never knew they were this widespread"
Elizabeta says.
Flora explains a bit more about her knowledge of SERVICE, or at least their public image. Not that she'll ever accidentally tell classifieds information to civilians, but sometimes she thinks she knows too much about this secret organisation.
After Marko has performed they all go to the after-party. Riona is quickly on the dance floor, while Sebastian and Ethan get some drinks. Flora goes for a "Angelo Azurro". The bartender doesn't say anything, but does give her a look"
Flora just smiles politely. Since her immune system is so strong she can't actually get drunk. However she can still find enjoyment in them. Her favourite types of cocktails are the fruity and strong kinds, preferably mixed but good ones are rare. Something that can give her tastebuds a punch, since the alcohol never will.
She runs into Dons who is taking pictures of the other contestants, wearing his blue sunglasses, for a video. Flora posses by balancing her drink on her head and making peace signs.

 Flora posses by balancing her drink on her head and making peace signs

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Riona then pulls her out on the dance floor. They dance together. Riona combines her knowledge of ballet and hip hop, while Flora elegantly follows her flow. Looking at them, it almost seems like they were hired to do a show. Sebastian and Ethan join the dance, doing what appears to be an improv tango.

As Flora looks around at everyone. This may not be an adventure like the ones she's used to, but it's one nonetheless. And she couldn't be happier.

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