Flora and Interviews

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During her time in Madrid Flora of course had some interviews. One of them was with a Danish Eurovision fan group.
For the sake of her privacy, her manager, Simone, has made it a requirement to state the main points of topic an interview will follow. If any interviewer asks a question, which is not related to any over the overarching topics, Simone will step in.
If an interviewer wants to talk too much about Flora's private life, the interview gets rejected. One of these is one that quite honestly shocked Flora.
Following the news that Flora was half Spanish, a Spanish interviewer reached out, wanting to do an interview specifically about her parents. One of the topics they want to discuss, is if Flora is the daughter of the 60s - 70s child model Alma Casal, who was primarily known as 'La Princesa del Mediterráneo'.
Flora is surprised that they were able to tell. This can't just be them guessing wildly, they must've found a lead somewhere. Maybe it's her appearance? Although that seems strange, since she has made sure to not look like her mother, whenever her make up is done. Riona is very good at altering the supposed structure of one's face.
There's also another glaring mystery. Her mother disappeared from the modelling world as soon as she turned 18. She disappeared to Denmark, where she has carefully hid herself, so she could get the education she wanted. She moved to a small town, where no one cared about the foreign world. No one has seen her true face ever since she left Spain. No one should know she has a daughter... and yet.
Simone has asked them where in the world they got that information, but they haven't answered yet. She has done her own digging, just to see how easily you could connect Flora and Alma. It turns out, not very easy. Pretty much impossible actually.
Simone is also a member of SERVICE. She has an education in business management and has been in the industry for almost two decades. Normally she manages for companies, but SERVICE has specifically hired her to keep an eye out for Flora. Flora has this nag for bringing attention to herself in unexpected ways, even when she's not trying to. Simone also makes sure that no "unnecessary" info is found or released.

Flora is willing to talk about things not quite related to her song or Eurovision, but if the interviewer is not primarily about her esc journey, she will not accept the interview.

A Danish interviewer reached out, wanting to talk about Flora and her relationship to Eurovision in general. On of their topic points was about her middle name, since it related to another esc artist.

「Note: This interview has been transcribed」*

*{This entire interview was in Danish so I've been at work once again. Also I've skipped some parts - Chaya}


Interviewer: Your middle name is Tennfjord, like Greece's representative in 2022

Flora: Yes, although her name is only spelled with one 'n'. One of my great grandmothers was from there.

Interviewer: So you're not related?

Flora: No. Not at all.

Interviewer: Okay. So, I know this isn't Eurovision related, but I have to ask, is your last name really 'Dragesjæl'?

Flora: Yes.

Interviewer: Oh, that's neat! Can I ask why?

Flora: My parents had a hard time getting pregnant, so they were overjoyed when I turned out to be a healthy baby. My dad sees dragons a symbol of perseverance, so someone with the soul of a dragon is a true fighter.*

{* This is not false, but I'll tell you the whole reason. On Flora's dad's side of the family they have a tradition where they give their children last names that mean something, in the language of the country the child is born in. It's kinda similar to how many Native American tribes name their children after nature, the name reflecting the person they are - Chaya}

Interviewer: Aw, that's sweet.


Interviewer: How long have you been watching Eurovision?

Flora: For most of my life. I've been watching since I was 5, I think? It was an annual thing I did with Riona.

Interviewer: That's a long time! What meaning does Eurovision have to you?

Flora: Well, it was a great thing to bond over, especially since no one else we knew watched it. My parents also started watching it. My mamma would always tell me how it compared to when she watched it as a child, mainly about how much more boring it was. She likes the newer years a lot more, because of all the show and glamour.

Interviewer: What about your father?

Flora: He's from the US so he only learned about it, when I started watching. He really liked the concept of it.

Interviewer: Is it your love for Eurovision that made you go through with Melodi Grand Prix, even though it was your friend who applied for you?

[Flora laughs]

Flora: Partially yes. I also did it, because I wanted to try something different. Of course I never expected to win.

{The rest of the interview is just the usual stuff, like "what inspired you to make Long Way Home" and "will there be any music in the future?" - Chaya}

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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