Flora and Madrid pre-party pt. 2

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After her talk with Baby Lasagna, Flora and her friends go to the common area, where she quickly finds herself in a conversation with Silvester Belt.
"I like your earrings!"
He says.
"Thanks! I made them myself"
Silvester calls over Nemo, who has both Bambie and Olly Alexander with them.
"You really made them yourself? How?"
Nemo asks. Flora has taken them out and they're all holding a piece each, admiring the work.
"They're made from scrap glass. It took some time to find just the right colours, especially the purple"
"I can imagine. These colours are so close to the flag's"
They say.
"It's so extremely cool, Flora! I actually have something similar too. It's a necklace with pieces arranged in trans colours"
Bambie says as they hand back the piece they were holding.
"Did you get them from Denmark?"
Flora asks. Bambie thinks for a moment then nods.
"Yeah, now that you mention it"
"That's most likely me then"
They all stare at her, the surprise so abrupt even people nearby stop to briefly look at them.
"What what WHAT???"
Bambie manages to say.
"Wait you told me about that"
Olly says.
"You don't sell that anymore, do you?"
She shakes her head.
"It was a limited offer. I wanted to the make pretty jewellery out of scrap, and made as many different flags I could. Then I gave some to my friends and put the rest up for sale"
"Do you take commissions?"
"Only for friends"
Olly nods.
"Guess I'll have to become your friend then"
He says, a determined look in his eyes.
"Me too!"
Nemo exclaims.
"Me three"
Silvester adds, making Flora laugh. She shakes her head and pulls out her phone.
"Nah. Give me a number or an email and then we can find out something"
After exchanging numbers their conversation drifts to the queer community, pride parades and Eurovision. Flora points out how each of her friends are wearing something, be it a necklace, pin or keychain, which has the colours of their pride flag/s.

 Flora points out how each of her friends are wearing something, be it a necklace, pin or keychain, which has the colours of their pride flag/s

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Flora also tells about an ex-girlfriend of hers, who has helped support and organise Pride in London Parade for the past 5 years. She also turns out to be one of Olly's good friends, them having met at Pride.
Then Sebastian comes over to get some pictures of them individually and as a group. He gets a group shot, where they all stand around Bambie who makes a pentagram with their hands.
They all scatter after that, but Flora is quikcly approached by Kenzy from Megara. They greet each other in English before she asks: "You're half Spanish right?"
Flora looks at her with curiosity, since not many people knows that. She also decides to switch language.
"[ES]* Yeah, how did you know?"
"[ES] Well, sometimes you just know"
She says with a wink.
"[ES] But that means you're part of the Spanish gang! We need a group photo ASAP"
She drags Flora with her over to the rest of Megara who has gathered Nebulossa.

*{There'll be a lot of non-english conversations in he future, so I've translated them for y'all and highlighted with [ ] so you know which language the sentences originally is in. As you'll soon learn, Flora is not just "freakishly good at pronouncing foreign words", she's actually the biggest polyglot in existence. Just one of her many many many secrets - Chaya}

Pictures are taken, some with majestic compositions and grace, others not so much. One of Sebastian's pictures show Nebulossa in all their glory, with the others sitting around them, another has Flora holding Kenzy in a fireman's carry.
"[ES] So, which one of your parents are Spanish?"
Vitti asks.
"[ES] My mama"
Flora answers. A short moment of silence follows, the others probably expecting her to elaborate, but she never does. She just tanks them for the pictures and for talking with her, says goodbye and leaves.

While she is normally very talkative about most things, the one thing where she will always give a vague answer to, is her personal life, especially if it has to do with her parents. Even though everyone knows her song is partially inspired by how her parents met, you rarely think about her actually having parents. No pictures online exists of her with them. Digging deeper, before Eurovision, she has never posted a single picture of herself. All that can be found of her are photos by others, where she is in the background or vaguely in frame. Even more strange is the fact that there exists no pictures of her before 2010, the first one being posted on Riona's Instagram.
While it's not uncommon in Eurovision for people who were largely nobodies to suddenly gain fame by being in the contest, they usually have some sort of internet presence. Sometimes they gain a lot of fame and their music career can truly take off, other times they disappear back into obscurity, although now they have a small cult following.
Flora has definitely gained a lot of fame and is heavily leaning towards being able to start a career as a musician. Many people are obsessed with her. They want to know who she was before Eurovision, but they can find nothing. She's largely anonymous, so her fans eat up every interview, every media she shows up in, and especially every new picture or video she uploads to her social media accounts. They're insatiable.

{As I said, girl's got a lotta secrets - Chaya}

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