"Need help?..."

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"Need help?..."

"Those were the words I asked when I asked when I found out about lizzy. Hard to remember her face now, due to what I've done, to her.

I remember walking down to the gym for lunch since no one ever hung out with me before you did. I sat down on the bleachers, and a sandwich in hand.

Only as I was about to take my first bite into the sandwich, I heard a cry for help. It alarmed me, so I stood to go check.

You were under the bleachers as lizzy and a few others had been harassing you. Few beating ya while she had your bag in hand, going through your stuff.

I didn't understand why it pissed me off to see you like that, and I don't think it ever occurred to me on how badly I harmed the few harming you.

The way I had grabbed hold of someone's collar of the shirt, only to punch them right in the nose, to only on with throwing the other into the bleachers.

Remembering that crack like sound as their jaw hit the edge of its metal makes chills go down my spine.

"Need help?" I offered once more, a hand stretched out to you.

You took it hesitantly, most likely from both your hurt, and you watching me break another persons jaw.

The tears in your eyes only broke my heart in two, and made me wanna hug and comfort ya. I only know that it was a crush on your weird personality that made me want to help so much.

"Thanks..." you mumbled, making my head tilt lightly.

"You okay though?" I could only question, watching you shake your head, looking down at the ground in defeat. "Want.. a hug?" I offered.

You slumpt up against me, sniffling away tears as my arms leapt to be around you, an attempt to comfort.

I still don't understand what sparked in me at that very second. Maybe it was the sweetness you shown despite the rough and tough exterior you made to protect yourself.

Was the first time we met that you were rude because of this?

Afraid I'd hurt you, even if I'd never harm a fly?

God.. I wish I could remember what life was like before you came into it now that I'm thinking on it.

You were the reason I broke. The reason I did any of this...

But it wasn't over from here.. no...

Far from it."

"I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH.." -a Nuzi story-Where stories live. Discover now