"Hanging out.."

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"Hanging out.."

"Hanging out was one of my favourite things to do with you! It really was.

I remember the first time we hung out, you would sit silently, and awkwardly, just eating your food. You hardly talked and when you did, it was after why I asked why you wanted to hangout.

"I just.. don't want to feel lonely?" Your words trembled, leaving me confused again.

I know it was because you wanted protection, but were to afraid to ask straight forward. I'd be too if I wanted away from Jennifer. It's not an issue now though. That's for sure.

I remember hearing you mumbling, lizzy and dolls name being heard through them and the chewing.

You were adorable though.. all I know if that I fell for that adorable face, harsh attitude, and unforgettable soft side you clearly had.

"Do you have a class close to C-104 durring block B?" You asked me, uncertainty in your voice.

"The robotics class? Yeah, I do. C-109." I announced, your head tilting in surprise.

"The art class? You enjoy art?" You smiled, a nervous shock running through me.

Were you judging me? Did you think I was weird?

I couldn't tell.

"That's actually quite fitting." You admitted, turning back to the food. "It's actually kind of cute."

I couldn't help but gush at the compliment from inside, shocked you even let me into that hard shell of yours either way.

I smiled brightly, just turning back to the food I had grabbed, just enjoying the few moments of silence.

You made hanging out so fun. Even if it was just  few moments at a time."

"I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH.." -a Nuzi story-Where stories live. Discover now