"HIS name.."

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"HIS name..."

"I remember that it was only a month later where we actually became pretty close.

We hung out everyday, we sat together, hell, I even came over a few times since your dad wasn't home and you felt alone.

So alone Infact you were crying when ya called.

Just from those times, I could tell you put up this mean front to protect yourself from worse out there, and I respected that, despite the yelling of your catchphrase and odd behaviours and interests.

Hell, you were even embarassed over small things, and instances that just seemed to funny to not tease you over.

You were just perfect. Infact, so perfect I grew to love everything you said.

That was till you came up to me one day. A day I couldn't dread more.

You were walking down the hallway, talking to a blond boy a bit shorter than me. He was a jock, judging by his clothing.

You didn't SEEM to enjoy the company, but clearly you did from your next words when walking up to me.

"Nikolai, meet Thad, childhood friend of mine." You introduced, me looking to him with a small smile and a hand out for a handshake.

His name sounded horrible on your tongue...

"Nice to meet ya, I'm Nikolai!" I felt his hand taking mine.

"Thad, and so glad 'Zi Atleast had someone to keep her company while I was gone." He spoke confidently, making me almost want to crush his hand.

"Heh, yeah." I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly, and lowered my hand from his. "So.. you were away? Why?"

"Oh, a vacation with my family or whatever. Hated being away from her since she has a bullying problem." He explained, looking rather regretful.

"Oh! Right, I kinda been protecting her for it. Couldn't let her get picked on by a bunch of jerks." I proudly said, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Oh! Thanks man. Means a lot." He thanked.

I didn't wanna hear him say it.

He didn't sound nice thanking me for a problem that wasn't his.

I didn't want you thanking me either.

I did it because it was the right thing to do..


"No need to thank me. Just was what any good person should have done." I smiled, just to look down to you. "Oh, ya wanna hangout still?" I questioned, with my head tilting.

"I was gonna hangout with Thad and catch-up today. Wanna move plans to tomorrow?" You suggested as I nodded in agreement.

"See ya tomorrow!" I said, gleefully, but really..

Did I feel that way?

With your presence gone, I felt a venom stinging my heart, and an unimaginable hatred..

A hatred of your loss.. jealousy... and the want for the blond boy dead..

But he was your friend. Like me. You could have other friends.. right?"

"I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH.." -a Nuzi story-Where stories live. Discover now