"The coffee shop.."

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"The coffee shop.."

"That's where I had left to get frustration out my head. That's for sure.

I remember walking in, laptop and books in hand, and heading to the counter to order my usual iced coffee, only to find you working behind the counter.

I felt lucky.

"Nikolai? What are you doing here?" Yeah u started with a soft smile, looking exhausted. I noticed the coffee spill on your apron, and you seemed a bit awkward as I looked to it.

I smiled regardless knowing you'd rather me not conserned, even if I was.

"I'm just getting an iced mocha latte with extra whipped cream is all. Didn't know you worked here on weekends." I said, trying to get past the slightly new awkward tension.

"Oh you're the guy with that usual? That's cool." You stated, ringing me up.

Jesus how much I wanted to kiss you in that moment.

I handed over the money and went to my usual spot, a smile across my face. I couldn't help but watch you.

You were just amazing.

You ARE amazing..

I watched soon as Thad had walked in, handing you something and you going back for a break. I was confused. And maybe just a little bit mad.

He had walked over to me..

"Hey Nikolai! How's it been?" He sat next to me.

I wanted him to move off, to back away. He made me want to gouge his eyes out so very much.

"It been slow, just tired and stuff, Yknow." I replied, the same innocent tone I kept all along being evident thankfully.

"Yeah I get it. You seem cool, I don't get why Uzi wouldn't let you hangout with us." He inquired.

It hurt to say the least, but it won't for much longer.

"Yeah hehehe.. maybe we should hangout sometime, Yknow?" I offered- mostly since I didn't wanna come off as rude when it came to this awkward jealousy I had for him.

"Yeah. Maybe after you're done here, we can head back to my place and hang." He offered.

"I'd love to!" I accepted cheerfully.

We sat there talking, and laughing for a good while, hell, I even bought him a small treat as I worked since he was half decent.

He annoyed me so much though."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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