"Your time with him..."

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"Your time with him..."

"Something I dreaded was the idea that you would leave me behind for a friend like him.

He was a coward...

I learnt that after you had to run to me for help, when lizzy had chased you down and yelled at you before spotting me somehow..

I hated that he couldn't protect you. That he couldn't stand by your side.

I hugged you after chasing off lizzy and her men. I tried comforting the spooked little woman in my hands as she stared away anxiously.

I wanted you to no longer hangout with him out of fear.

Fear that you'd get seriously hurt by him. Or others, and he wouldn't stop it from happening.

He was a danger to you as I seen it. So much I offered to hangout with the both of you to be able to protect you finally.

You rejected though.

Yeah, it hurt, but it hurt more knowing you could be taken from me from any little incident.

I pretended like it hadn't bothered me. As if it wasn't anything to pout about.

That was wrong..

It's something now that I'd be furious at.

And it's not cuz you're being hurt and he's not doing anything, more so the fact that you still choose to hangout with that over someone who wants to shower you in love.


And more.

You deserve it.

Not to have your time wasted by the likes of him."

"I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH.." -a Nuzi story-Where stories live. Discover now