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Kaminaris POV ~

I sit on my spot next to Kirishma and Ojiro. Then I look behind me to try and see Bakugo. He was looking the other way. I smile.

"Hey man. What up?" Kiri says, braking me from my lovely daydream.
"What do you mean?"
"You're staring at nothing. And smiling."
"Oh. I'm just thinking."
"About?" He asks.
"Nothing important." I say then Kirishma walks to Bakugo to say a quick hello. Then go back to talking to Sero.

Bakugos POV ~

I sit on my spot. The only ones here are Deku, four eyes and half a half. Why do these idiots take their sweet time? I'm actually trying to become a hero. So whatever these nurds are doing is beyond me.

Dunce face and the three stooges walk in. Kiri waves, and I wave back. I quickly cover my smile with my palm. I look at him, his yellow hair. His facial features. His long arms. His thick legs. His small manorisums. Then I quickly look away when he looks my way. I feel his yellow eyes on me doing the same I was doing. Making me blush.

Thankfully, Kirishma walks over to say hi to make me forget about him.

Kaminaris POV ~

After Sero starts talking to Jiro. I look back over at him. He still has his hand over his mouth. Smoshing his face. I could see his jaw from here. I tried really hard not to go over there and tuch it.

I moved my view to his masave hands. His nuckls bulged out. I trail my eyes to his brod shoulders. Then his big pecks. Then his thin waist. Then his abbs that were peeking out of his halfway buttoned shirt. Then I looked back at his jaw.

Bakugos POV ~

He was still staring at me. Not that I minded. He was looking at my jaw again. Which he seemed to be interested in. Mh, good to know.

I wanted to look at him and smile. But I just couldn't get the courage. No one has ever made me this nervous before. I've always been able to smile or flirt with a guy. But he makes me feel weird.

My palms began to sweat more than normal. I couldn't think before my hand slipped and my face slammed on my desk, making my nose bleed and my head throb. I touch my nose softly and wince at the pain. Miss Midnight, along with the whole class, looked at me, stopping the lesson. Shit I wasn't paying attention.

"Bakugo. Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah. I just. Slipped." I said. Everyone snicker and start talking about me.
"Do you need to go see Recovery Girl?"
"It's just a bloody nose!" I yell, still holding the bridge of my nose.

Before she could say something back. Dunce face shoots up and rases his hand.

"I can take him." Dunce face said happily and probably with a smile on his face.

Everyone snickers again.

"It's not that big a deal, Dunce face! See!?" I get up and stumble back a bit.
"Alright. Kaminari, please take him to Recovery Girl."

He gets up and walks to me. I could see the gears slowly move when he got to me. Does he have a plan? Or was he just messing with me!?

Kaminaris POV ~

I didn't know what I was doing. Was I trying to see if he liked me back? Or did I just want to be next to him? Maybe I was just trying to be nice?

He was using one hand to stop his nose from bleeding out and the other to hold himself on his desk.

I breathe in, then grab the arm he's been using as a kick stand. I let go to see if he can stand himself, but he falls back again. I put his hand around my shoulder to help him walk, and he leaned his head backward.

He's taller than me, so he has to lean a little so he can actually use me as a crutch. I slowly walk towards the door, careful so as not to drop or ram him into a desk.

Bakugos POV ~

Deduce face was holding my arm and shoulder. I tried my hardest not to repeat my mistake of slipping. I breathed in. Then out.

"You good?" He asks me.
''Mh. I'm fine. Just hurry." I say, trying to hide my blushing face.

We make it to the nurses office. He walks in and sets me on a bed. I couldn't see him, with my head leaning back. But I swore he was blushing, too.

"Hello. How may I help?" Recovery Girl wondered.
"I. Slipped and fell on my desk." I embarrassingly say.
"How'd you do that?"
"My." I started then exhaled."I had my. Face on my palms and. They were swaety and I. Slipped." I said, tripping over my own ego. - the most Bakugo thing to ever exist, lol -
"Mh. Let's see what I can do."

After taking x-rays of my nose, she walks over to us, with a clipboard in hand.

"Looks like you broke your nose. But I can heal it somewhat." She says, then kisses my nose, bringing the paint for horrible to barable. She couldn't do much more than that and put a brace on it. I looked ridiculous.

Dunce face sits next to me, and giggles, once again putting his hand to his face.

"What?" I say kinder than normal.
"You look silly." He said.
"I. I know." I say as I sigh.

Fingerprints ~ KamiBakuWhere stories live. Discover now