A Bonding Moment

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Kaminaris POV ~

He's acting nicer now. Why? I mean. I don't mind. It's nice not being yelled at. But it feels like he's comfortable around me. Enugh to smile. I've only seen him smile like that when Kota kicked Midiroias balls. But this seemed genuine.

I quickly shoot a smile back. He stops and then looks at me for a second. He's. Thinking? I can't tell. I can sometimes know what he's thinking or what emotions he's feeling. But I can't quite figure out what he's thinking.

"Katchan. Are you okay?"
"Mh. Yeah. I kinda got lost in your smile."

He instantly blushed and then looked away. His face got even more red as we sat in silence. His mouth moved, trying to find an excuse. But nothing came out.

"Hey. It's okay. I'm not mad." I say, trying to make it better.

Bakugos POV ~

He smiles at my smile, making my brain stop. He was adorable. His dimples were deep, and his teeth were straight. His eyes shined in the light, and it looked like there were small lighting bolts in them. And I lost myself in his smile.

"Katchan. Are you okay?" He asks.
"Mh. I kinda got lost in your smile." I say then instantly blush and look away.
"Hey. It's okay. I'm not mad."
"I didn't mean to say that." I finally said.
"It's okay, man. Don't sweat it.' He says, then shoot me finger guns and winking. Making me laugh. I put my hand on his shoulder. Then I freeze and let go of him.
"We. Should go. Don't want to be late for science." I said. Then, as I got up, I saw spots and felt dizzy. Dunce face puts his hand on my back and looks at me.

"You good man?" He wondered.
"I'm. Just peachy. Maybe a little dehydrated."
"Oh." He quickly spits out and walks out of the room.

A few moments later, he walks in and gives me an open water bottle. I take it and chug the whole thing. Shit I was really dehydrated, probably why I was sweating so much.

"Thanks, man. I needed that." I said, gasping.
"Hey, it's no problem. Seems like you needed it." Dunce face  says.
"Mh. Yeah."
"So. What really happened?" He asked.

Kaminaris POV ~

"What?" He said slightly, angry.
"How'd you really hurt your nose? There's no way you just slipped." Am I really saying this to him? I mush have a death wish.

"I told you." His voice started to get angrier. "I slipped on my sweat. It is kinda my qurik, and I do sweat more than the average person!"
"Yeah. It's. Never mind. I didn't mean to make you angry." I say then leave.

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