Science Class

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Denkis POV ~

We walked to class, Bakugo, right behind me. Things were weird since I asked him how he fell. He glared at me. I could feel his eyes burning on the back of my head.

'Just say something anything.' I thought. 'Anything would be better than this.' But, I couldn't say anything.

We got to Science class. My favorite subject. I hope you can hear the sarcasm in my voice. Cause it's not.

We walked in, and Mister Azaiwa was sleeping at his desk. Everyone else was up and talking.

Bakugos POV ~

We walked to class. Dunce face in front of me. I made things awkward when he asked why I slipped. He was right. There was more to it than just falling. I couldn't tell him that, though.

Yeah, I know he likes me. But it could never work. I'm way too. Well, I'm too much like me! He can't be in a relationship with someone who only thinks about himself.

My thoughts were interrupted when we got to class. Everyone was outta their seats and talking and being loud. I wanted to throw my hearing aids across the room at this point. But Dunce face and I walked to Aizawa and woke him from his nap.

"Oh, you're here. Kirishma told me what happened. Are you all right, Bakugo?" He asked.
"I'm fine. Just. Slipped and broke my nose. I have to wear this dumb thing for three weeks." I spat out.
"Oh. Well. Um, I had everyone pair off for this year's science fair. But cause you two missed it. You're going to have to work together. Unless someone wants to trade?" He suggested to the class, and everyone looks the other way.


I sit down and turn off my hearing aids. That was until hair for brains walked up to me to say hello and check on me. I said I was fine, and he left for his spot. Silence fills the room when I turn them off.

Kaminaris POV ~

Bakugo sits at his seat, and I go to my seat when Kirishma walks back from Bakugos desk.

"Hey man!" Sero said. "What took so long?"
"Oh. Uh. He broke his nose, and Recovery Girl needed to scan and do. Doctor stuff."
"Why'd you suggest to take him anyway?" Sero wonderd.
"Not sure. I just thought it was the nice thing to do." I say. Then add, "And plus he's not all bad."
"Yeah. He's super cool once you get to know him." Kiri added.

Mina gave me a look. A look like she knew what I was thinking. If you think I can read people, you've never met Mina or had her scold you for hiding your feelings.

"What!?" I say a little meaner than I meant to.
"You. Are acting strange. What's going on?"
"I. Nothing!" I say even louder than before. Everyone but Bakugo looked my way.
"Wow, I didn't mean to make you angry." Mina told me.
"Well, there's nothing going on so. Don't worry about me!" I spit out, then stomp to my seat and sit.

Did. I just yell at Mina? My best friend? I can't let my feelings for Bakugo change our relationship. Besides. We'd never work. I'm dumb and he's top three in class. We. Don't mix. Like water and oil. I'll have to tell her sorry and about my feelings for him.

I put my head down and let myself fall asleep.
And after what seems like a while, I feel a tap on my head. I look up up to see Bakugo.

"What? Shit. Is class over?"
"Yes." Bakugo said mater of a factly.
"Why didn't anyone wake me up?"
"They we're afraid you'd go nuclear after screaming at Racon's eyes,"
"I didn't scream at her." I said embarrassed.
"Well, I didn't hear. I had my ears off. But shitty hair told me you were pretty loud and ruthless." He said, then smiles.

I frown. I really didn't mean o yell at her. It's just that I've never liked anyone like I've liked him. And it's him! Bakugo!

Bakugos POV ~

"Hey. I'm sure it wasn't that bad." I say, trying to make him feel better.

He grunts and flops his head in his arms.

"Hey. Kaminari. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make things awkward earlier."

Did I just call him Kaminari? I've never done that in the history of ever! It. Felt. Normal, actually.

"What? Oh. Right. I shouldn't have asked. I didn't mean to question you like that." Kaminari said, not looking me in the eye.
"No. You were right. I was. Distracted." I say. "Anyway. We should head to the dorm. And maybe start brainstorming stuff for our science project. I have a few ideas." I add, not giving him time to ask what was distracting me.
"Oh. I forgot about that. Sure. My room or yours?" He asked.
"Mine. If that's okay."

He nods, gets up, and grabs his bag. We don't say anything else on our walk to the dorms. We only walked side by side. Just existing together.

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