2 - Stargazing

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[ Shadow Pov ]

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"So, Shadow.. I have a question." Sonic asked, clearly trying to change the subject. I met his gaze mid bite and stared into his eyes.

"I'm kinda sick of the whole.. rival thing. Do you think.. maybe we can try to become more than enemies?" He asked, fidgeting with his gloves again. I nodded slowly catching him by surprise.

"Really?" He said with a beaming smile, which couldn't help but make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Maybe being.. more than rivals.. with Sonic wouldn't be too bad.

. . .

After we both finished our food, I paid the bill and walked toward the entrance of the restaurant. I said a quick thank you and walked out, Sonic following close behind.

"I could've paid, you know." He said, looking to the floor. "It was my idea to go eat."

"It's fine," I said, being cut off by a quiet beeping. I reached into my quills and grabbed my communicator, which was glowing a bright blue. I pressed on the screen and watched as a small hologram of Rouge appeared above it.

"Yes?" I asked, my ear flicking as Rouge practically shoved her face into the screen.

"Hey, hun! Anika's staying the night. Do you think you can find somewhere else to stay, just this once?" she asked, smiling widely, her un-covered freckles visible through the hologram.

"I guess," I responded, "and get your nose out of the screen."

Rouge giggled through the communicator and backed away, giving me a small wave. "Thanks, hun! Night!" She said before hanging up, leaving me back with Sonic.

"Alright. Looks like I need a place to stay for the night." I said, sticking the communicator back into my quills.

"I have an extra room!" Sonic chimed, brushing his nose swiftly. I considered the offer, and met his gaze. He looked genuine and happy, which gave my stomach a fuzzy feeling. Was that normal?

Am I sick?

"Awesome! Race ya'!' He said with a grin, quickly dashing off, a bright blue streak trailing behind him.

"Wait- I don't even–" I yelled, trying to catch his attention. With no luck, I bolted after him. My shoes blazed behind me, boosting me closer to the blue blur. I dashed around Mobius, leaving a bright yellow trail behind me. I squinted my eyes and spotted Sonic running over the nearby hills.

Mumbling a curse under my breath, I boosted myself to an extremely fast pace, arriving me side by side to the azure.

"Seriously, Faker?" I growled. "You can't just call on a race when I don't even know where you live!"

Sonic chuckled in response. "You don't gotta know where I live, you just gotta be able to keep up!" He said, zooming ahead of me. I watched as he bolted and quickly caught up with him, following him to wherever he was taking us.

After a few seconds, we arrived to a small, but decent-sized house. I watched as Sonic walked up the porch and pushed the door open, walking inside. Following him, I stepped inside the front door and looked around.

He had a decent house, it was tidy and had some nice furniture.

I walked through the living room and stopped at a nearby window, which faced the small backyard of the azure's house. I looked out of the window and observed the sky.

"It's clear out." I said, taking a glance back at Sonic. He tilted his head and looked at me with a confused expression.

"Uhh.. yeah." He said, walking up beside me. "What about it?" Now he looked to the sky along with me, his eyes darting back and forth.

"Have you ever been stargazing?" I asked as I walked outside, a fresh blow of cold air hitting my face. I looked over my shoulder to Sonic and waited for an answer.

"I don't think I have." He said, fidgeting with his gloves.

"It seems like something you would do." I said, folding my arms in front of me. I heard a quiet scoff behind me and footsteps.

"It's definitely not something I'd expect you to do." He said with a smug smile, which only lasted for a few seconds. A cold breeze blew over us, making the azure shiver.

"Wait. Let me go grab a sweater, and then you can show me about this whole stargazing thing." He said before dashing back into his house. Watching as he sped around the corner, I quickly chaos controlled to the top of his roof. I sat myself down and looked at the sky, leaning against the shingles of the roof.

"Hey, Shads! I brought a blanket so we can..- Shadow..?" Sonic asked from the ground, looking around his surroundings. "Where did you go?"

"Up here, Faker." I called, watching as he turned his head upward to look up at me.

"Oh. Alright." He said, gripping the blanket in his hand tighter. In a matter of seconds, he ran up to the roof and stood beside me. Laying out the blanket, he sat himself down and scooted over signaling me to come sit beside him. I slowly stood up and walked to the blanket. I sat next to him and layed on my back.

After sitting in silence for a few seconds, I decided to speak up.

"I used to stargaze with Maria. It was one of her favorite things to do." I said, observing the stars that shone brighter than the others. Sonic nodded and laid down beside me, one hand behind his head, and one rested on his stomach.

"What was it like on the Ark?" He asked, glancing over at me. I sighed and continued to stare at the sky above us.

"It was nice. It was just me, the professor, and Maria. It was calm, and almost everyday we would go look at the stars."

There was another period of silence.

"It sounds nice." Sonic said, switching his gaze from my face to the stars. "Do you miss her as much as you did?"

"Of course, But.." I mumbled. "It all felt like a fever dream. Like nothing ever really happened, but I know it did."

Sonic hummed in response, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry." I shook my head and turned my head, my eyes meeting his.

"It's alright." I whispered, my eyes drooping slightly. "Sonic?"


"Have you ever lost somebody close to you?

I watched as Sonic's eyes grew sad. He turned his head away to look at the sky, in an attempt to hide his face. His eyes glazed over and shone brightly under the moonlight.

"Yeah.." He whispered, his voice cracking slightly. My ear twitched and a small pang of guilt stabbed me in the chest. I had no idea that my "former rival" had similar issues as me. I stared at him in expectancy, in hopes that he would feel comfortable enough to open up about it.

Noticing my cue, Sonic sighed tiredly. "My mom passed away when I was eleven." He mumbled, taking a shaky inhale. "By overdose.."

I watched as a small tear fell from his eye and trailed down his tan muzzle. He sniffed and quickly wiped it away with his sleeve.

"Sorry-" He whispered, a shaky chuckle escaping his lips. I felt my ears lower in pity and fought every urge I had to embrace him immediately, knowing he would most likely freak out. "We should probably head to sleep now.." He stuttered, clambering off the roof. I nodded and followed behind him, walking inside.

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