014. 𝑵𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉

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[real life, imessage, social media]

𝑵𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉[real life, imessage, social media]

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it's the next day and matt has no idea what to do. he can't text claire because she blocked him on everything and she also blocked his siblings. he doesn't want to show up to her house unexpectedly because he thinks that that will make it ten times worse. he doesn't know what he should do. he thought that he finally got her back completely but just like that, he's lost her again. he was feeling so close to her, physically and mentally, but now he feels like she's south and he's north. he hates this. there's nothing that he wouldn't do to get her back. he looks at the time and thinks that he should go eat something but he decides to go to nick. he gets up from his bed for the first time that day and heads upstairs. 

he makes it to nick's room and knocks before entering. "hey." he says in a quiet voice. he notices chris sitting next to nick, watching him scroll mindlessly on his phone. once the two other triplets notice matt's presence, they look up from nick's phone and immediately notice matt's gloomy expression. chris scoots over a bit and pats the new spot in between the two. matt walks over and leans on chris's shoulder and holds nick's hand. "you okay?" nick asks. he isn't expecting an honest answer but to his surprise he shakes his head. chris puts his arm around matt and nick rubs his thumb back and forth on matt's hand. matt can feel tears form in his eyes from the expected physically contact. 

the triplets decided to put on a movie and matt ends up falling asleep on chris's shoulder. once nick and chris notice this, they look at each other trying to figure out what to do.

"can you text her?" chris asks. "no she blocked me." chris presses his lips together and nods. "i think she blocked all of us." chris replies. "did she block you too?" nick asks his brother. "mhm. is there anyone that she's friends with that you're friends with?" nick thinks for a minute before remember sofia. "oh my god yeah." chris is shocked. he hasn't heard of any new friends that nick's made but apparently he has. "really? who?" before answering, nick prepares for the crazy reaction he's about to receive. "uh you know that girl who plays max on stranger things?" chris's eyes widen comically. "YOU KNOW HER???" nick puts his hand up to chris's mouth because he could've easily just woken up matt. "dude shut up" chris takes nick's hand off of his mouth and tries again. "you know her?" he whisper shouts. "yeah. she's friends with claire and then she asked if i wanted to be friends with her. obviously i said yes." he pulls out his phone for proof and shows the back and forth texting between the two. "that's insane." chris says shaking his head. "but i can call her and ask her to talk to claire for us?" chris nods before speaking. "yeah. yeah. do that." nick pulls his phone out but then realizes something. "wait what do i say?" chris shrugs and nick decides to go with whatever feels right.

𝐚𝐦 𝐢 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬? | matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now