Chapter 6

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On the first day of training, we met at 6 am in front of the alpha house. I got everyone started with some stretches. We didn't want any injuries this early. While we stretched, I stood in awe of how many people showed up ready and willing to fight. We spent about fifteen minutes stretching our entire bodies.

"I want us to break into groups based on skills we think we should work on. There are three of us so there should be three groups. Group one is going to work on faster phasing with me. Group two is going to work on strength with Chloe. Group three is going to work on speed and stamina with Cam. Each group will overall work on every skill, but today, I want us to really focus on areas where we need help so that we can address any areas of concern.

"For group one, I mainly want younger wolves. Anybody else who thinks they need help with faster phasing should join us as well. Groups two and three can decide amongst themselves which area they need the most help with. Understand?"

There were some murmurs and nods. "Alright, let's get started." I sounded way too peppy for six in the morning.

I walked over to my group. I knew that I was going to have to start with the blunt truth. "When it comes to phasing, modesty goes out the window. A lot of the issues younger wolves have begin with hesitation. They don't want to feel or be naked around other people. You have to get over that. Nobody is looking at your body. In this pack, we understand that nudity is normal and natural. There's nothing to be afraid of, and there's nothing to be ashamed of in being naked. We won't do too much actual phasing today because it's hard on the body in the beginning. Until you are used to it, phasing is physically demanding.

"In the beginning, we are going to work on getting over the modesty and focus on the mentality that is required to phase more quickly and effortlessly.

"First things first, everybody take your clothes off. Seriously, I'm throwing you in the deep end of getting over modesty."

All of the younger people hesitated and took their time getting undressed. I undressed quickly to show them how easy it is to lower inhibitions and get comfortable in the nude. I spend the rest of the training session just like that.

I spent the day teaching about mentality and courage. "You're allowed to be afraid, but you can't let fear be your only feeling. You have to be confident in your abilities as a wolf and a fighter."

When we stopped for lunch around 11:00 am, I could see most of them becoming more confident in their bodies. They were unbothered by their nakedness now.

Cam and Chloe came up to ask me how things were going.

"There are a lot of naked people sitting around eating lunch," Cam laughed.

I shoved him. "I'm teaching them to get over modesty and lower inhibitions. That's the first step in faster phasing. These young wolves don't want people to see them naked, so I'm making them get used to being naked around other people. It's totally natural to be naked."

"She's right, Cam. Remember when we were first learning to phase? You ran and hid at the thought of being naked in front of us." Chloe and I began laughing as Cam turned red.

"I'm over that now. I can walk around naked if I want to."

"Cam, it's okay if there's something you're worried about," I glanced at him up and down, "Nobody will even notice."

Chloe began laughing uncontrollably. Cam got angry and stomped off.

"That was totally uncalled for, Aubrey," Chloe said between giggles.

"I know, but I'm one of his best friends. It's my job to harass him. He won't hold it against me. We all know he has nothing to worry about."

Cam stomped back over. "I'll have you know that Miranda has nothing wrong with what I'm working with."

"Cam, you don't have to justify yourself to me. You know that I was joking. Obviously, it's not my kind of thing, but it's not bad."

Sam walked up at the wrong time. "What's not your thing? What are you talking about?" I felt my face get hot.

"Nothing," I said at the same time that Chloe said, "Cam's penis."

I brought my hand to my face. "It was a joke. I was picking on him. Don't worry about it, Sam."

"You don't have to be embarrassed. I agree with you. It's not my thing, but it's not bad." She pinched my butt, winked, and walked away.

"We need to get back to work."

After lunch, my group spent only an hour actually phasing. I didn't want to wear out their bodies too quickly, so I limited the time for the first day to an hour. I could tell they were making progress immediately especially after my talk about confidence.

At the end of the day, I sat my group down. "You guys did amazing work today. I can already see a major improvement in all of you. I know as a whole we will go on to do amazing things. I'm proud of you, and I'll see you all tomorrow."

After everybody had left, Chloe, Cam, and I sat down to discuss who still needed help, who was making great improvements, and who appeared to do well in the areas we worked on. We wanted to make sure everybody was getting the help they needed to be the best the could be.

The next day of training we would rotate everybody through all three groups to decide who needed more time in which group. For now, we could only base our discussions on the people we worked with that day.

We never wished that a war would happen, but we had to make sure that we had the best people available just in case anything happened.

A couple of hours later, Cam and Chloe went home. I felt relieved. I just wanted to take a hot bath and go to bed.

Sam had other plans. She accosted me in the kitchen fully intending to have sex with me right there.

I let her get pretty far, but before we could actually have sex, I stopped her. "I'm just not in the mood tonight. I'm sorry. I'm just so tired from today." I could feel tears well up in my eyes. I had pushed my body too far.

Sam could sense that I was becoming emotional, so she soothed me. I may have been the alpha, but I was still human too. Alphas get tired and stressed out. They just do it in private.

Sam, being the incredible mate that she is, went upstairs and drew me a bath. She even put some lavender bubble bath in it.

In the most non-sexual way possible, we took a bath together. Sam washed my hair, and I washed hers. We spent the time bonding and feeling the love that we had for each other.

It is completely possible to be totally in love with someone without having to prove it with sex. Intimacy comes in many forms.

When we went to bed that night, we cuddled in silence until we both drifted off to sleep.

First Female Alpha (GirlxGirl) (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now