Chapter 11

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We decided to wait until the next morning before we left. We wanted the daylight to guide and protect us from any potential harm. At six A.M., everybody met outside of the alpha house. There were about fifty people who volunteered to go.

"The journey will take about five hours. We're going to do the journey in human form unless there is some form of a threat. It'll take longer, but it'll save our energy for when we arrive. As we get closer, we'll make an official plan of action."

Chloe, Cam, and I led the front of the pack, and my father brought up the rear.

Cam had a backpack filled with enough food to feed everybody on the journey there and back. We stopped after a few hours and ate. We needed to have our strength up for the imminent fight. Once everybody was finished, we continued walking.

We were about a mile out of their land, so we stopped to make a game plan. "I would like to address their alpha to see what he knows, if he knows anything, about what's going on within his pack. I don't want to attack unless they attack first. Hopefully, I can follow Sam's scent or maybe even track her by her heartbeat. I'm going to leave Chloe in charge in case there is a fight. Does everybody understand?" There were a few nods and murmurs.

We continued walking.

We approached their land from the top. It was laid out like ours.

We carefully approached the alpha house which was located at the other end of the land.

The alpha, whose name I learned later is Jason, was waiting outside for us. He must've had someone patrolling who saw us coming.

Alone, I walked up to him.

Respectfully, I reached my arm out expecting the formal greeting between alphas. He hesitated, but he gripped my forearm tightly. After releasing my arm, he spoke. "Why are you here and why did you bring an army?"

"After I became Alpha, we began receiving threats, and we have reason to believe they came from members from your pack."

"Why do you think they came from my pack?"

"My mate was kidnapped. I have video proof that she is being kept and tortured by, at least, two members of your pack. The tattoo on the right forearm is a dead giveaway. I am in no way trying to say that you are part of this, but do you know the whereabouts of my mate?"

"I didn't even know anything was going on between our two packs. I may not agree with the laws of your pack, but I would never want to hurt your people."

"Is there any way you could identify the men in the video?"

"I could try. I know this land very well; would you like for me to help you find your mate?"

"I would appreciate that very much."

I pulled out my phone and showed him the second video.

"I know both of them. I would have no problem helping you find them. I just hope it isn't too late."

"Thank you so much."

I walked over to my father. "I'm going to leave you in charge of the pack. I want to take Chloe and Cam with me."

He kissed my cheek. "Be safe, pup."

Chloe, Cam, and I began to follow Jason. "I'm going to try and listen to her heartbeat. I can only hope she's close enough."

As we walked, I focused solely on Sam. While it is possible to hear your mate's heartbeat from a distance, it isn't a very large distance. I gasped. "I hear it! It's very slow and faint, but she still has one which is what matters."

First Female Alpha (GirlxGirl) (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now