Chapter 7

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Over the next few weeks, we trained six days a week. The pack was growing stronger. Anything less than perfect was not an option.

If we had to go to war, we were definitely more prepared.

Once we had reached a month of six-day a week training, I gave everybody a week off. With the threat seeming to be nothing more than a threat, I felt comfortable giving everybody the time off. "I better see you all here next Monday," I said as they walked away.

I took Sam's hand, and we walked back to the alpha house. "You're doing fantastic with them."

"I just wish I knew whether or not there would be a war. This whole thing is putting too much strain on the pack. People are going to start betraying and fleeing to other packs out of fear."

"Well, I love you if that helps you feel any better."

We stopped abruptly, and I pulled Sam to me. I tenderly kissed her forehead. "You know what'll really make me feel better?" I whispered in her ear.

I pulled away and began to run. In the middle of running, I shifted into my wolf.

I knew that Sam had shifted behind me because I heard her clothes rip.

As we approached the alpha house, we both changed back.

We barely made it through the door when we began to kiss, touch, and caress each other.

Our sex life was amazing now that Sam and I had actual feelings for each other.

Suddenly, I heard, "oh, god," from behind us. My father had walked into the room as we were basically having sex in the foyer.

"Dad, what are you doing here?!"

"I-uh... Just... I'm leaving." He quickly walked out the door.

I grabbed Sam's hand and we ran upstairs.

Despite the awkward encounter with my father, the sex was still amazing.

Afterward, we cuddled in silence until Sam finally spoke. "I think we need to talk about having a baby."

"Something tells me you want to have a baby, but I'm not sure. You were pretty vague just now."

"Shut up, you sarcastic little shit. I'm serious."

"I've already thought about this, and I've made plans."

"You made plans behind my back?"

"It's not like I have the sperm and everything. I just found a sperm donor."

"Who is it?"

"Do you remember Kyle?"

"Yea. I remember. We gingers need to stick together."

"I made an agreement with his mate, James. Kyle will be our sperm donor. Then, in a few years, I'll be a surrogate for them. It's the perfect situation."

"Won't that mean their child will be in line to be alpha?"

"I don't think so. Their baby will be biologically mine, but there will be no legal ties. Besides, the law changed when I became alpha; it's the firstborn child, not the firstborn male, that will become alpha from now on. We're having our baby before them."

"I'm surprisingly not upset that you planned all of this without me."

"I thought about everything you would want before settling on anything."

"Good. Let's go to sleep. We have a long day of nothing to do tomorrow. You deserve to sleep. You've been working very hard." Sam leaned over and kissed me, and we went to sleep.

First Female Alpha (GirlxGirl) (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now