viii. Anywhere I want, just not home

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'And I can go anywhere I want
Anywhere I want, just not home'

              -Taylor Swift- 

              -Taylor Swift- 

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All what remained was an insignificant, broken crown...

He stared down at it, the silver hues of the sign of his now stolen throne, a reminder of the life he left outside of that Gods-damned mountain, a family, a home.

There was no stars left for him to wish upon, and all his dreams were left unanswered...

Rhysand didn't have many wishes for himself, he had lived long enough to not regret dying, if it were not for the fact that he had left a family back at home, back in Velaris...

He had left a daughter back in Velaris...

A daughter who begged him to stay with her that night, a daughter who had implored him to come back to her.

For the past fourty seven years, he couldn't decide which was worse, not getting to be with her, or being the cause behind him not being with her.

Sometimes, on the nights he'd... serve amarantha till his conscience would give up on him, he was haunted by glimpses of two girls, one with the paint brush, painting flowers on wooden furnitures beneath the soft veil of sunshine, the to whome his soul felt a pleasant tug for despite him not knowing her.

Others, he'd see a pair of eyes he knew too well, so blue they appear to be violet, with moonlight and silver blades reflecting in them, staring up the sky with rage shackling her heart, so tight he could feel it himself.

Elayla, he had recognized...

But not his Elayla...

His Layla was the small girl who climbed his back out of cheer amusement, the child who couldn't stay in a room he wasn't in for longer than half an hour.

This Elayla was a grown female, forged of steel and loneliness, shaped from the marble of Mount Ramiel.

The thought made him feel dizzy...

He should've been there for her, teaching her how to live and fight, tending to her wounds and scolding her for sneaking out, scaring off potential suitors and making she was happy and safe just like Maliah asked him to do.

But there he was, reduced from the most powerful High Lord in Prythian to a mere toy in Amarantha's bed, to fulfill her sick desires and twisted vengeance for her old friend's death.

He was so tired of it, so sick of it...

What would Layla think if she heard that her father was now in people's eyes just Amarantha's whore?

Would she be disgusted?


Would she see him as a stain on her family?

A failure for a father and a leader?

Did she ever think of him at all, or had she reached the age where she didn't even care anymore?

"I want a story..." Little Elayla pouted, her arms hugging his right arm close as her head rested on his shoulder.

He took his eyes away from the book he was reading and to his little daughter "A story about what, Layla...?"

"Stars, baba..." She answered " Stars..."

"Happy birthday to you, Nightingale..." He whispered in the darkness of his chambers, his elbow resting on his knee as he sat down on the ground, his head hanging low, a dark fallen prince, reminiscing for a single other moment home.

A home he'll probably never see again.

"Happy birthday to you, Nightingale..." His breath came out as the celebration melody he was supposed to sing to her, like every other birthday he spent with her, he hoped he could say it to her face to face once again.

Just once before he died...

Only once again...

"Happy birthday to you, my darling girl..." He said at the end, his throat restricting so tightly that he wondered how he still managed to breathe.

" He said at the end, his throat restricting so tightly that he wondered how he still managed to breathe

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