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Killua pulled away from Shinso, who'd finally told him his name. As he directed his eyes ahead, he saw these large robots. Everyone else hesitated but Killua just activated Zetsu and picked up a bit of speed. He wanted to try something. Zetsu hid his presence, except for sight. But these things couldn't really see as far as he was aware, they were just robots with sensors. So while everyone hesitated, he passed to the front of the pack and just started winding through the forest of robotic limbs.



Shouts from behind him ensued as he just strolled right on by the robots, Killua turned his head to taunt them as he did so with a thumbs down, his voice wouldn't be heard from that far away anyways. Todoroki and Bakugou were after him as soon as he pulled ahead, leaving devastation in their path. Well, Todoroki mostly. Killua snorted as he watched them grapple for first place. Idiots. This is only the first game, first place doesn't matter. Although, perhaps the winner got some sort of advantage.

The next obstacle seemed to be a series of pillars, connected by ropes. It kind of reminded him of something from greed island. Do I even need the ropes? He paused for a moment to think about his way across them, students were passing him but there was still a long way to go so he could afford to wait a bit. I've gotten decent at controlling my strength, but I haven't thought about working on my legs. This was either going to go amazing, or absolutely horrible. He started to gather himself to jump when a pink haired maniac shoved him out of the way. Killua went to scold her for it, then realized she was decked out in all sorts of gadgets.


Killua did indeed observe as she rambled on about her 'babies'. Suddenly, two objects connected by cords shot out of the mechanism on her hips, latching onto the edge of a pillar and zooming off with her hover soles. Damn, she made those herself? He had to admit he was kind of impressed. Killua wasted no more time, he bunched his legs and took off in the same direction she did. "Shit-" Killua definitely put too much power into his legs, he went upwards a lot more than he did forwards.

He started falling, eyes darting around for somewhere to land. Dammit, I can make it to a pillar but only after I'm halfway down it. Although as he was falling, he noticed he was falling a lot slower than he felt like he should've. Realistically he knew this would be the case, but feeling it was kind of surreal. Man, you'd think after over a year I'd be used to this weird gravity by now. Killua landed hard against the side of the pillar with a grunt, gripping onto it while using his Nen to suction his limbs to it. Killua let out a groan as he realized there weren't any footholds. How far is down?

Killua wondered, peering down below. There seemed to be several feet of empty space, then some very soft looking pillows. Huh. I wonder if... Killua let go of the pillar, spreading his limbs out to help slow the descent. Killua landed on the soft pillowy cushions below, in the near darkness. He bunched his legs once more, then shot directly upwards. As he did so, he used his arms and legs to push himself up the pillar. Killua landed squarely on top, then decided to just use the ropes. I really need to pick up the speed, that took forever.

He wasn't too interested in getting first place, but he sure as hell wasn't getting kicked out in the first round. He made his way across the ropes at a moderate pace. Once he finally cleared that obstacle, he knew what the next one was as soon as he laid eyes on the ground. Mines? Killua paused, bending down and quickly digging one out of the ground. Surely they wouldn't have actual mines? As he inspected the mine, he realized that there wasn't much power in them. They should be relatively safe.

Killua slowly made his way across the minefield, being careful not to step on any. Then he caught sight of Iida just full on sprinting. He was actually going so fast he was outrunning the explosions. What if... Killua grinned, getting one hell of an idea. He stepped directly onto a mine. It exploded, and caused a lot of smoke to puff in his face. But overall, it was just loud and flashy. He started running, deliberately stepping on mines as he went. He couldn't hear much through all the explosions, but suddenly he heard a really big one coming from somewhere in front of him. Killua didn't pay much attention to that though, he just kept running.

As he ran, he passed several people who were being far more careful than he was. Soon enough, the minefield ended and it was just a long stretch. There were at least forty people ahead of him, so he thought it would be better to gain on them. Killua picked up his pace, speeding past several other competitors. Killua reached the end of the hall and entered the stadium again, eyes scanning his surroundings to find out the place he was in. eighteenth? That's decent. There was a lot of commotion over placements, but Killua paid little mind to that. What he really wanted, was to know what the next game was. "Prepare yourselves, for-" Midnight started, gesturing at the screen that displayed the next event. "A Calvary battle!"

Never heard of that. Killua listened intently, curious on how this match would go. So we get into teams, I wonder how that gets chosen? "Each player has been assigned a point value based on your results in the previous game." Oh, oh I see where this is going. Killua grinned through his mask, this was going to be so much fun. "The points go up my increments of five, starting at the bottom. Forty two is five, forty one is ten, forty is fifteen." So that means first place should be 210. "And the point value assigned to the first place contestant is."


1053 words

To Be Continued...

I apologize I somehow accidentally set up the posts wrong and the 12th chapter posted first TwT y'all get 2 chapters today though

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