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Killua finally got his hero costume in, and it was exactly as he'd imagined it. He was currently on the way to the location of his internship, feeling pumped as he headed up the staircase into the building. It seemed to be a sort of T.V station. He was a tad bit late, but hopefully he'd be forgiven. He walked down the hall, double checking his directions to make sure he was in the right spot. Yep, its here. Killua swung open the door, and he had to admit he was surprised at who he saw in the room.

"Killua? What are you doing here?" Momo exclaimed. Killua didn't bother replying to her as he shut the door. "Ah! I managed to snag all three of you lovelies. Welcome." Uwabami said, with a charming smile. "Is that really your hero costume though?" She questioned, eyeing his outfit. He was wearing his usual dual shirt and purple shorts combo. Killua blinked. "No- was I supposed to wear it?" Killua shook his head, walking closer to the group of three. "I can go put it on if you'd like. Are you getting ready for a photoshoot or something?" He questioned, noticing her attire and how she was prepping her face with makeup.

He'd always been into fashion, but had never gotten a chance to really explore it. Uwabami let out an almost musical laugh at his question. "Ah, I'm getting prepared to film a commercial. Although I have a question for you in particular." Killua tilted his head slightly. "Hm? Oh sure, what is it?" Uwabami stared thoughtfully at him for a moment. "I bet you've got a pretty face under that mask, would you mind taking it off for me darling?" Killua blinked, not expecting that to be the question. Well, I guess she might've taken physical appearance into account when selecting interns. She does have a modeling business after all.

Momo's eyes widened and she was about to open her mouth, most likely to protest. However Killua spoke first. "Sure, for a few moments. I kind of need it to breathe, but I can hold my breath for about three minutes." He explained, taking a deep breath before removing the mask from his face. He made sure not to take in so much air that it made his cheeks puff. Uwabami examined his face with interest, then smiled. "Ah, I see. You do have elegant features and flawless skin." She mused. "Such a shame."

After about ten seconds, he replaced the mask on his face. "Right now I'm just wearing eyeliner because you can't really see anything else under this thing." He said, tapping the side of his mask. The two women watched his interaction with the hero with awkward expressions, as if unsure how to react. Uwabami chuckled. "You're interested in my line of work aren't you?" Killua felt himself flush a bit, slightly embarrassed. "W-Well- kinda? Not really. Not with the celebrity thing. Honestly, I've always been really into fashion and makeup and stuff, but I never really had an opportunity to spend my time getting into it beyond what I put on for the day."

"When I saw your name on that sheet it jumped out to me, I didn't actually know you were a hero." He admitted. Am I saying too much? Uwabami let out a practiced laugh, although Killua could tell there was definitely some genuine delight behind it. "Oh you'll be perfect. Come now, the commercial is about to start. You can watch." Killua nodded, he had to admit he was quite curious about how that line of work went. He followed Uwabami into the production room, with the two other interns following behind him. "Didn't think you'd be seriously interested in this kind of thing." Momo muttered.

Killua glanced at her, blinking. "Hm?" Momo let out a sigh, he could tell she was obviously trying not to judge him. "I mean, you don't seem to take anything seriously enough to actually care." Killua scoffed. He supposed that was a fair assessment, but it still kind of irritated him. "I care about having fun, and looking good while doing it. Is that really a crime?"


Kalluto sat at the bar as he watched the newcomer. They called him Stain. So dramatic. He thought, eyeing the man. He listened as Shigaraki explained what he wanted most was to kill Allmight. You've got a professional assassin right here, why do you even need him? Kalluto thought, although making sure to keep a placid look across his face. The people in charge of this league continued to massively underestimate his strength. And it was starting to get on his nerves.

"I was a fool to think you could offer me anything."

Kalluto tilted his head slightly as Stain spoke. "It turns out, you're the type of person I hate the most in this world." Kalluto's eyes narrowed slightly, and he rested his hand on his new fan. He might not have been given many assignments, but his one eternal order was to protect Shigaraki. That made sense, of course. If his boss died, he no longer got paid. "The goals of your league are those of a child." Stain growled, hands gripping onto the hilt of his swords. "What meaning is there to killing if you don't have real convictions?"

Money? Kalluto thought, confused by this man. Did there really need to be any reason other than profit? "Master, should I step in?" Kurogiri asked, glancing to a T.V on the wall. "Let it happen. It's possible this is the only way he'll learn anything." Kurogiri locked eyes with him, and Kalluto slowly dipped his head. "Very well," He replied. in a soft tone. He watched as Stain leapt at Shigaraki, burying a sword directly into his shoulder.

Kalluto felt nothing as he watched his new boss get pinned to the floor, and Stain started to monologue. "Hey now, you're being a little rough aren't you?" Shigiraki rasped, the telltale sign of the anxiety one got when cornered creeping into his voice. "Kurogiri, take this guy back." Shigaraki ordered. Kalluto just waited as patiently as he could. Man, this is so boring. Suddenly, Stain raised one of his blades, about to dig it into Shigiraki's throat. Kurogiri was immobile, and he couldn't just let this man kill his boss. Then he'd have nowhere to stay while he tried to figure out where he was.

In a flash, Kalluto grabbed his fan and slashed through the blade with ease. Stain froze, his eyes snapping to Kalluto. It was obvious that the man hadn't clocked him as a threat until that very moment. "It would be rather foolish of me to let you kill my employer." Kalluto said, simply. "Next time, it'll be your left arm."

1109 words

To Be Continued...

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