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Killua sat on the rooftop, waiting for Kalluto to wake up. However as he was sitting there, he heard a screech from above. Killua's eyes snapped up, and then narrowed. A Nomu? It flew close by, then dipped down and snatched Midoriya off the ground. Killua let out a groan, gently setting Kalluto down on the rooftop. Damn, the guy's really that helpless? Just as Killua was about to leap towards his classmate, he saw Stain lunge at the Nomu. Killua watched as he brought the Nomu down, then started going on a long monologue.

They always have a damn monologue. Killua thought, sneaking closer until he was right above Stain. He made sure Zetsu was on just in case. "HERO KILLER." A familiar voice roared. Killua scowled slightly as he caught sight of Endeavor charging up a ball of flame. You know what? This is probably a bad idea. But I don't care. He thought, watching Stain slowly start to walk forward. His bloodlust was pretty strong, although it wasn't strong enough to frighten Killua. "I'll make this right." Stain growled, taking a slow step forward.

Killua silently leapt down from the building, creeping up behind Stain. Just as Stain opened that sickly mouth to speak again, Killua delivered a hard kick to the back of his knee. Stain fell prone, unable to defend himself due to not having detected him. His monologue was cut short as he tried to twist, reaching for his knife. Killua slung his yoyos out, wrapping them around his body. He then clamped his hands firmly around Stain's right hand, squeezing at the wrist. Stain grunted, fingers slacking. The knife in his grip clattered to the floor. A beat of silence filled the clearing.

"For all your noble talk, you still chose to be a villain. You still chose to hurt people."

Killua spat, resisting the urge to snap this man's bones. Stain stared up at him, face contorted in a mixture of hatred and fear. He parted his lips to speak, then out of nowhere his eyes rolled back in his head. Killua dropped the man, standing up tall as he glared down at the man. "Killua...?" Killua's eyes shifted to Midorya. He was trembling, staring up at him with nervousness. Killua let his eyes soften, then slowly lifted him up in his arms. "Guess that makes twice I've saved your ass huh? Or maybe three, if the U.S.J counts." He said, with a soft chuckle.

The next couple of minutes happened in a rush. Killua was herded over with the other students as they took care of Stain, but Killua couldn't help but stare out onto the rooftops. I can't just leave him! "Wait. Killua, where's your brother?" Iida asked, a frown pulling across his lips. Killua gritted teeth, gesturing to the building. "There, probably. But if I leave I'll get scolded." And if he wakes up while one of the heroes is going over to get him, I have no idea what Kalluto will do...

At the end of the day, his little brother was a Zoldyck.

Suddenly, he saw movement. Killua gasped involuntarily, seeing Kalluto's head slowly poking up over the edge of the building down at them. Killua glanced around quickly, nobody else had noticed him. He must be using Zetsu again. The only reason Killua had even noticed him, was because he knew Kalluto was there. Wait, does Kalluto know morse code? He knew Kalluto was very good with Nen, but he wasn't sure if he knew morse code. Killua pointed to his eye, then activated Gyo. Kalluto blinked, tilting his head slightly. It took him a few moments, but he finally understood what Killua meant.

Once Kalluto activated gyo, Killua started attempting morse code via Nen. Using Zetsu he could turn his Nen on and off, which was the basis of morse code. Theoretically, this should work. But that's only if Kalluto gets it. If he doesn't, it'll be useless. Killua flicked his Nen on and off in a pattern, looking away from Kalluto as to not draw suspicion. 'You ok?' He tried, going for something simple at first. Killua activated Gyo, glancing up at Kalluto. Kalluto slowly nodded, before sending him Nen morse code back. It was rusty, but it legible. I can't believe this is actually working.

Killua thought, observing the patterns. 'Ok. You?' Killua glanced away once more, gazing at the fires behind him. 'Ok. Meet up place?' Killua's eyes slowly slid back over to Kalluto. Kalluto seemed to think on that for a moment. 'Here. When?' Killua thought on that one. When... He needed to pick a time when he could guarantee he wasn't doing anything. '3 am' Kalluto nodded, then Killua nodded back. "What are you looking at?" Killua snapped back into reality, eyes shifting over to a very short pro hero.

Killua rolled his eyes. "Does it even matter?" The short old man grumbled a little, then narrowed his eyes at Killua. "You're not telling us something." Killua stayed silent, it froze over in hell the day he'd sell Kalluto out. "There was another person with us, he was a kid." Midoriya suddenly blurted. He just had to open his mouth didn't he. Killua seethed. "Eh? A kid? Like a toddler or-" Midoriya kept talking before Killua could find a way to shut him up in a way that wasn't suspicious. "Yeah he was Killua's little brother he just came from nowhere and-"

"I'm right here."

Killua nearly jumped out of his skin as Kalluto's voice came from right beside him. His eyes snapped down, and sure enough Kalluto was standing nearly directly at his side. Holy shit, he's really good at that. Killua rested a gentle hand on his shoulder, letting out a soft laugh. "Wow, never even heard you coming. Good job." Killua watched as Kalluto's eyes glowed slightly from the praise. He nodded, gently reaching a hand to grip onto Killua's sleeve. "Is he injured?" One of the pro heroes questioned, talking a step closer to Kalluto.

Killua gently scooped his brother up in his arms. "Nah, he's fine. He didn't get involved with the fighting." Killua said. He felt Kalluto snuggle into his chest, and it struck Killua how clingy he was. It tugged at something in his chest. Oh right, he's not used to getting affection like this is he. Killua thought, as he slowly ran his fingers through Kalluto's silky hair. He might be an assassin, but he's still a child. He's still my little brother. At that moment, Killua vowed something to himself. I'll never ditch you again like that Kalluto.

1095 words

To Be Continued...

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