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Killua managed to snag a few desserts before the lunch break ended, which was entirely worth it. He and the other winners from the previous game stood out in the field, with the rest of the classes behind them. The final was a one on one battle, just like the hunter exam. Although, with one winner instead of one loser. However, he noticed something. There's more slots then there are competitors. "Now, in order to fit the correct slots, one contestant from the 5th place team will be permitted to move on to the next round." Midnight announced.

Well, that certainly answered the question he was about to ask. "That would be us." A guy from the back said, as he turned to look he realized it was Tetsutetsu's team. The group discussed amongst themselves who would be chosen, before Tetsutetsu stepped forward with an overly dramatic expression on his face as if he was holding back tears. "It's been decided! Now, for the matchups!" Midnight called, cracking her whip towards the large screen above the stadium. Killua squinted a little to read the names.

So me and Shoji. Killua thought, as he peered over the names. So I'll have to fight Ojiro or Hatsume next, and I'll more than likely have to fight Bakugou in the finals. But he wasn't exactly sure who would be in the semi finals with him. That first match is a fifty fifty. He looked over to Shinso, who was chatting with Midoriya. Although Ojiro quickly pulled Midoriya away. There was an intermission before the first fight. "Hey Shinso!"

Shinso glanced at him, then gave him a nod. "Hey." He felt like he should feel more of a loyalty towards Midoriya due to them being classmates, but he was starting to like Shinso a lot more. "The easiest way to get him to talk is to go after his friends." Killua suggested. Shinso chuckled. "I appreciate that, but I can do this on my own." Killua let out a bored yawn. "Eh, thought I'd help you out a bit." Shinso thought on that for a moment, then said something Killua didn't expect. "How'd you build up so much strength? Being quirkless and all."

Killua thought about how to answer that. I mean, the full truth probably isn't a very good option. "I've been building on it since I was a kid. Wouldn't recommend you learn the way I did, but make sure to keep a schedule you can maintain." He said. "I go to the gym a lot after school if you wanna come?" He thought he saw a hint of a smile on Shinso's face. "Sounds great." He's probably used to people being afraid of him because of his quirk. He could see it in the way he interacted with other people, and the way sometimes what he said didn't match the look in his eyes. "I could teach you a few moves before your match starts, if you'd like."


Killua sat in the stadium's designated class 1-A seating, crossing his legs. It just felt natural, really. Shinso and Midoriya took their places on the stadium, preparing for the bout. He'd taught Shinso a few basic fighting moves and self defense tactics. He definitely hadn't mastered them, but it would help at least a little. As the two squared off, Shino was already talking. He couldn't hear what the guy was saying, but Killua knew it was definitely aimed to provoke him.


Killua watched intently as Midoriya's teeth gritted and he suddenly started forward, opening his mouth to speak. All at once, his body froze. Maybe he didn't need my help after all. Killua thought, settling back as he watched Midoriya slowly turn and walk out of the ring. "Gah! I warned him not to say anything!" Ojiro exclaimed, from beside him. The rest of his classmates started muttering to each other, and Killua grinned under his mask. "He's already lost. He lost the moment he opened his mouth."

"Why do you sound so happy about that?" Ojiro asked, frowning. Killua glanced over at him with a shrug. "I'm rooting for Shinso." Killua was a bit perplexed as almost his entire class gave him a shocked and slightly appalled look. "What? I've got no reason to want Midoriya to win. I like Shinso." He turned back to the fight, watching as Midoriya slowly neared the edge of the ring. Suddenly, just as he was about to walk out of the ring, there was a burst of strong air. Killua's eyebrows raised. His fingers, they're broken. It must've snapped him out of the control.

Killua's eyes narrowed. If Midoriya tries to fight using his quirk, Shinso's probably screwed. But I don't think he'll risk it this early on. Midoriya stopped just in time, causing several of his classmates to let out exclamations of relief. Killua saw Shinso's eyes widen, and he gripped onto the railing. "YOU GOT THIS SHINSO!" Shinso's eyes snapped up to him, then he nodded and set his jaw. His eyes went back to Midoriya, as he got ready for a physical confrontation. Uraraka and Iida shot him dirty looks, but he ignored them. I don't even like Midoriya. Why should I cheer for him? He grumbled internally.

Midoriya turned and approached Shinso, grabbing his shoulders and trying to push him out of the ring. Shinso grasped onto Midoriya, angling his body to try and use the momentum to his advantage, although he wasn't quite strong enough to pull it off. Killua watched, completely invested in the fight. C'mon Shinso, you got this! Midoriya tried to shove him closer to the line, but Shinso suddenly went for his broken finger, causing him to lose focus and nearly trip. Instead of trying to shove Midoriya, he aimed for the pressure point on the back of his neck.

Killua knew Shinso probably wasn't experienced or precise enough to successfully knock him out, but he'd taught him that move as a sort of last ditch effort to gain the upper hand. Midoriya stumbled, his head most likely spinning. It was then that Shinso took advantage of his lapse in focus and shoved him hard, causing him to fall on his back. Just out of bounds.


Shinso panted, hands on his knees. He'd just barely won that match. The crowd went absolutely wild at this turn of events. "B-But how? Midoriya had the upper hand there! And he didn't even hit him all that hard!" Uraraka exclaimed. Killua glanced back. "Doesn't matter if you can get the right pressure point. Pretty much anyone can do it, although I'm surprised he managed to pull it off with only twenty minutes of coaching." Iida looked absolutely appalled. "You taught him that move?" Killua smiled. "Yeah, I did." He turned back to watch as Shinso walked back to his class, being cheered on the whole way.

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To Be Continued...

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