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As he was in the middle of speaking, another team started in their direction. It was a girl with what he thought was a horse quirk on all fours, and a guy with some sort of insect quirk on her back. The insect-like one formed blades on his hands as they came in close, the horse girl's eyes squinting with determination. Shoji pivoted to run away, but Killua faced them head on.

They had almost 700 points now, making his team quite the target.

Damn, I get way too competitive.

Killua thought, as he delivered a solid kick to the side of the horse girl's horns. This caused her to wildly veer to the right. As the rider attempted to slash him he blocked it with his arm. The blades cut through it a little, as he wasn't using any Nen. As the horse's speed caused them to veer right, Killua reached out and snatched his headband as well, strapping it around his neck. He tapped his foot on Shoji's back, signaling him to keep running. It was the halfway point of the game, they were set.

"We're good on points, now we just have to keep them."

Tsu frowned, peering at the blood dripping down his arm. "That looks like it hurts." Killua blinked, turning over his arm. It cut a lot deeper than he'd realized, and it was bleeding pretty hard. "Oh, I didn't notice." He said honestly. "I have a pretty high pain tolerance, it's useful in situations like that where in order to get an advantage you have to kind of bait yourself." He explained, as Shoji kept his distance from other competitors. They all seemed to be converging on Midoriya and Todoroki again, with the exception of Bakugou who was duking it out with the cocky blonde from earlier. Kind of amusing, actually.

However, Killua paused as Kaminari started charging up his attack. This could be the perfect chance. He realized. Killua tapped Shoji again. "Shoji, get as close to Todoroki as you can. And brace yourself." I know I said we were fine and just needed to evade, but this could be fucking amazing. He felt adrenaline pumping through his veins, god he missed this feeling. Shoji followed his order, realizing by now that Killua knew what he was doing. They managed to get pretty damn close as Momo made an insulation sheet, covering them. Todoroki locked eyes with him, narrowing them slightly. "Kaminari now!"

Kaminari let out a huge burst of electricity directed to everyone close in their vicinity. It practically glued everyone to the floor. Killua however, had leapt the split second before the electricity could hit fully. The team was covered in the blanket, and couldn't see him coming. Killua pinpointed exactly where the headbands were, and tore the blanket open by sharpening his fingertips ever so slightly. Not enough to be noticeable, but enough to do its job. He grasped at them, although he could only reach two of them. Damn, I misjudged myself.

As the blanket tore, those inside let out a yelp. He felt the electricity shoot through his body, but it wasn't all that bad. As soon as that happened, the electricity abruptly stopped. Killua held his breath as he landed on someone he couldn't see's shoulders through the blanket, using them as a springboard as he leapt back to his team. He knew he couldn't rely on Tsu, as she was probably still stunned. His mask was mostly automatic, and had very little mechanical parts in it. However he was still cautious about breaking it as he essentially needed it to breathe.

As he jumped he saw Todoroki glanced over his shoulder with the most bewildered expression. He tried to reach an arm out to grab his leg, but Killua was already too far away. Obviously Killua was the last person he was expecting to see, let alone actually take some of his headbands. As he was moving backwards, he let out a chuckle. "You're slow, Baaaka!" Killua taunted. Although instead of anger, like he was expecting. He looked visibly impressed..


Killua landed on Shoji's back, as he guessed they were both pretty frazzled. Killua glanced down at the headbands before he locked it around his neck, realizing he'd scored the jackpot. That almost doubled our points. The rest of the teams won't be out of the count for very long though. He quickly checked up on his teammates, Shoji was starting to recover already. "Shoji, we're evading now." Shoji let out a groan. "You...knew that would happen, didn't you." Killua felt a bit bad, so he patted the guy's shoulder. "I mean, kinda. Sorry. But hey! Now we're in second place."

He tried to reassure his teammate. Killua scanned the playing field, then glanced up at the crowd. He felt a thrill go through his veins as he watched them all cheer. "Getting flashbacks to heaven's arena, man I missed this.." He murmured to himself. He rethought what he'd said about not really caring about being scouted by a hero agency. I mean I sure as hell wouldn't want to join one permanently, but maybe it would be pretty exciting. "What's heaven's arena, Kero?" Tsu asked, in a weak voice.

Killua's eyes snapped down to her, and he sighed. "It's nothing." He assured her, then noticed Shinso's team was pretty close by. Killua and Shinso locked eyes. He's got a decent amount of points. His quirk does him well, although it probably only works the first time. Killua gave him a small nod, then ordered Shoji off in the other direction. I wonder if he'll take what I said to him to heart after the festival. A large ice wall suddenly sprung up between him and Todoroki's team. Killua guessed he was still going after Midoriya's headband as a last ditch effort. I'd rather fight Midoriya than Todoroki to be honest.

He could counter Midoriya's strength, Todoroki's ice was a bit trickier. And I have no idea if he'd suddenly start using his fire. Midoriya was a lot more predictable. For the last few minutes of the Cavalry battle they were rarely approached, most likely due to the fact that Killua had crushed pretty much every opponent in his path essentially on his own. The final countdown started, and Killua glanced up at the leaderboard. Team Midoriya in first place, us in second, Team Bakugou in third, and Team Shinso in fourth.

He raised his head up to the announcement booth, where Shota was watching through a bandaged up face. Although Killua could just barely see his eyes. He was watching me the whole time wasn't he? Killua slid his hands behind his head comfortably as Shota met his eyes from the booth. Maybe now he'll finally stop mother henning me so hard.

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To Be Continued...

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