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Killua stumbled as he ran, muttering a few swears under his breath as he forced himself to slow. He wasn't used to being able to go that fast, causing his movements to be uneven and dysregulated. With every moment Killua wasted, his anxiety rose. There's so much that could've happened, so much that could be wrong. The building rapidly approached, and he fought the urge to run faster. I know I'm still going pretty damn fast but I know this isn't my limit. He finally reached those large doors, and took a moment to pause so he didn't crash into them.

Killua slammed the doors open, eyes scanning the surrounding area. His heart thudded in his chest as he took in the scene. There were a handful of students nearby, huddled over someone he didn't recognize in an astronaut suit. A few glanced up at him warily, eyes clouded with a mix of horror and confusion. But that wasn't what made his blood boil. There was this...thing. It was hunched over Shota, pinning him down, bashing his head into the ground. Again and again, Killua didn't stop to think about whether what he was about to do was a good idea or not.


The scream tore its way from his throat as he accelerated a lot more than he probably should've as he was blinded by rage, almost tripping himself in the process once more. He hadn't fully tested out how fast could really go yet, due to the shift in gravity. Killua rammed into the creature with his shoulder, he aimed to stop right over Shota but he stumbled and nearly fell. It staggered back heavily, although it didn't react as much as he thought it would. That thing must be insanely strong, it barely even budged. Killua took a moment to regain his footing, letting out a shaky breath."K-Killua..? Run. you have to-" Shota choked out, but Killua wasn't looking at him. He knew what something being controlled looked like. That thing wasn't sentient, hitting it wouldn't do much. 

"Who the hell are you?"

Killua's eyes snapped over to the pale haired man standing not too far away from them. He was covered in hands that Killua couldn't tell were genuine or not. "I'm about to be your worst fucking nightmare." Killua said coldly, trying to reign in his bloodlust. Killua didn't want to worsen Shota's condition, he had to get him to the hospital. He wanted to kill this motherfucker so bad, but he knew he couldn't. Killua gently tugged Shota's scarf off his neck; he'd seen the old man use it several times. Killua sure as hell couldn't fight with it, but he didn't need it for much. "I guess I wouldn't mind killing you too." The man said, scratching his neck a little. "Nomu, kill h-"

Killua didn't allow the man to finish. He whipped Shota's scarf in the man's direction, grabbing a hold of his leg and yanking him back toward himself. "Shigaraki!" He heard a voice call, although Killua paid no mind to it. He tugged the man in close, accidentally using a bit too much force and causing him to go a lot faster than Killua was intending. Son of a- Killua aborted his previous plan of landing several hits. Instead, he twisted his arm and delivered a sharp jab with his elbow directly into the man's rib cage. He went flying, the heavy impact most likely crushing a few bones. "K-Kurogiri! Retreat!" The man choked out, as he coughed blood. Killua gently scooped Shota up in his arms, turning his head to deliver a cold dead glare to the pair. "If you lay a hand on him again, I'll make you regret it."

~~~~~~~~timeskip brought to you by the author's loss of motivation~~~~~~~~

Killua made his way back to the U.S.J once more. He wasn't originally planning to go back after he dropped Shota off at the hospital, but he felt a bit guilty that he'd left all those kids behind. In the heat of the moment, he hadn't really cared. All that mattered was getting Shota the medical attention he needed. As Killua approached, he saw a familiar figure standing in front of the students. Tsukauchi? Killua thought with confusion. He hadn't seen the detective since he'd left the hospital. There were a few rounds of interviews where the man asked him questions.

As he approached quietly, he heard the conversation that was happening. "Alright, all villains accounted for. Everyone seems to be uninjured, except that kid with the broken fingers. You all fought bravely." Well that's good. Although, did he really need to be there anymore? He only came back to check on Shota's students. However as he turned to leave, suddenly one of the students met his eyes. It was a pink alien looking girl, with yellow antennae. "Look! its him!" She exclaimed, pointing to Killua.

All of a sudden, he was the center of attention. Tsukauchi's eyes widened with recognition as he turned his head. "Killua? What are you doing here?" Killua let out a sigh and strolled forward, placing his hands comfortably behind his head. "Chance, really. Anyways, just came to make sure everything was alright. Shota was worried about his students." One of the last things the old man had uttered before he passed out, was asking if the students were alright. Part of the reason he felt so bad for ditching them. Tsukauchi blinked. "Where is he?" Killua's eyes scanned the curious faces, chattering to each other and staring at him. Why are they looking at me like that? "The hospital, he was in a pretty bad state but by the time I left they'd stabilized his condition."

Tsukauchi nodded, a frown creasing his face. "You should rest, the run must've put a strain on your body." Killua scoffed. "Actually, I'm fine. I even punched that Shigiraki guy so hard he went running with his tail between his legs." Killua said, not bothering to hide the irritation in his tone. "I'm sick of people babying me just because of my medical condition. Especially Shota, he's such a mother hen." Killua rolled his eyes, then spun on his heel and started to walk away. "Anyways, nice seeing you again I suppose." 

1035 words

To Be Continued...

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