3. Suspicions

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"We can't just sit here twiddling our thumbs while these creatures keep taunting and attacking our kingdom. We are the wyverns! We fear nothing! We must show them who we are for basilisk’s sake!”

Sounds of agreements and murmur echoed.

Ryke's eyes snapped to Titus. Even in human form, Titus was a gigantic even to the dragon clan with a height of over seven feet and three hundred pounds solid muscle. Moreover, the dragon shifters were massive compared to any other species and that was saying something about Titus. The bald, dark skinned, short fused man could make a grown man piss with his hard rock face, evil eye and had it hard for a good fight. Titus was Ryke’s childhood friend. Growing up together they had to go through some twisted shit which messed up Titus more than Ryke. And by the way he was bellowing, he could start a riot. A dragon wrath was something the world prays never comes.

“Well said, brother. The world and the otherworld should know we are never to be provoked. Our wrath shall wring their deaths.” Eric, his third in command agreed. With long golden hair and taunting hazel eyes, Eric was any woman’s walking wet dream. Of course, they all were creatures of sensuality and Eric was no exception.

However, the recent attacks turned every heart of Chama into bitter ice and hot hatred when they found Joan, a young rebel of his clan who always talked loud and open-mindedly was reduced to a rag of gore and ashes on the outskirts. Joan suffered through her death. It’s been a few hundred centuries since the last death in his clan. And Joan’s life was painfully snatched away from her and her loss was felt in every one of their hearts.

“What are we waiting for, vasiliás drákos?” Someone's yell from the crowd broke his mullings.

Murmurs broke out in the crowd escalating to bellows and shouts. Ryke walked to the front of the boulder and the crowd fell silent in anticipation for what their king was going to say. His jaw clicked. He knew his people needed blood. Just like him.

“Dragons of Chama. Joan was a part of our family whose life was snatched away brutally. Her death was felt in our hearts and bones.” His eyes snapped to an old lady, her face pinched in pain. Joan was all Martha had. And now she was gone. Renewed pain soared up his body as he tried to control his breathing before he turned everything into ashes. “Yes, we are powerful. We are descendants of fire. In our wrath, death shall wring. The world shall quiver and burn into ashes. In our anger if we the burn the world, we shall inflict the very same pain we carry over to the other weaklings. Riots will occur. World will be in chaos. Of course we will predominate but only at the cost of becoming a common enemy and putting our family at risk. We shall not ask them to pay a price for what they did not do. But we scented faes. The faes needs to pay. They will pay. As a protector I failed. Justice i shall deliver.”

He watched changing emotions on all the sixty two members of his clan from understanding to disgust to outright rage. He stepped off the dias to Martha. The gray haired old lady was pleading with her eyes to bring back her daughter. Taking her hand in his, he place an ashen locket in shape of a smoldered red and green dragon breathing fire in a shape of C similar to the blue black one he wore on his neck. C stood for chama. A totem every member of his clan had. They were one big family of sixty three.. No, sixty two dragons. The color of lockets changed according to their dragon. Joan was a red green vibrant dragon now reduced to ashes.

Ryke held Martha's hands as she erupted into a wail of loud cry with garbled words he could only guess. What do you exactly say to a grieving mother? He watched his clan shifting to their dragon, roaring and spitting fire clouding the vast green island with smoke and haze expressing pain and rage. He saw Eric watching him with restrained anger but he knew he understood Ryke. Like Titus said, he could go on an all out war. They were powerful, that didn't mean they were invincible.

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