4. Yellow Flower

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The trio stared at her with different expressions. Ruka was star struck albeit excited? Dragon fly had a face of disbelief and of course the dragon king stared at her with out right suspicion like she was a bug that has to be exterminated soon.

Rovena sighed. “I thought this speculative shit storm was over from my life but unfortunately no.”

“You are saying this” He pointed at her, “is the princess of Yodam?”

She rolled her eyes while Ruka bobbed her head mechanically. “So unreal.. Everyone thought you were dead.” Ruka reached out to her with a wrinkly finger.

Rovena evaded it. “How do you know me or anything about Yodam?”

Ruka gave her a sardonic smile. “Fiesty. Or so i have heard after living for more than a couple of thousand years. I am temple of knowledge.”

Couple of thousand years still didn't teach you modesty, oh great witch? She wanted to sneer. Instead she settled for a grunt. The attitude of dragons must have rubbed off on the witch.

“Any plans to untie me, your grace?” She jerked her hands.

“You still didn't answer my question.” He crossed his chest.

“Which is..”

“Why were you at the moors?”

She shrugged. “Demon hunting?”

He gave her an annoyed look. “You look pretty lonely tied to that chair. I wonder how much of a torture it would be for you to stay tied like that for..” He threw back her shrug. “I don't know, until I kill you?”

One corner of Rovena's lip curled up. “As much as that would be entertaining your grace i have got plans I need to carry out.”

“Too bad then.” He said nodding to the others as they all started walking out to the door on his cue.

“Wait!” She called out. He turned, this time one corner of his lip tipped up in triumph. She bit her own lip to keep her growl in. “I picked on some dark fae magic.”

He turned fully to her, his intense blue gaze focused on her. “You did?”

“I came here to kill them.”

“Kill?” Pico asked.

This time she smiled. “Aye dragon fly. Instead I got you.”

He turned to Ryke. “I swear Ryke! If you don't kill her, I will!”

Ryke scratched his scruff, scrutinizing her. "Maybe I might just let you.”

Rovena snickered. “Oh I would love to duel with you again, damselfly. After I am done with the bastards.”

Pico growled lowly and Ruka sighed softly starting to walk out. “It’s about revenge. She is as bloodlusted as you are. Maybe you can trust her.”

“What a flawless logic, oh great witch!” She called out to Ruka’s retreating back. Sometimes Rovena just couldn't shut up her stupid mouth. “Give it to you trust the bane that led to the downfall! Now I am sure if you know even my name, you know Yodam more than any outsider could ever dream of. And that might include.. Histories. So I would love to hear the reasoning. I am intrigued.”

Ruka slowly turned back as the men watched them like a hawk even though they looked confused. She sat straight in the stone chair like it was her silver and sapphire throne conjuring all the dignity of a fallen princess she could manage in her leather breeches and grey tunic. Not to mention her red hair was all over the place and her hands were tied with a rope for fae's sake.

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