5. Ropes!

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She blinked several times willing the red to disappear from her eyes before following him through the dark tunnel. In her peril of the mayhem that was twirling like a tornado inside her mind caused by one big dragon and his icy blue eyes, she barely noticed the crystal staircase, the fresco or the grandiose festoons that exhibited riches of Chama. But one thought penetrated, they are big time hoarders.

She chastised herself for being so reckless but the moment she got a hold on herself, her senses picked up skin crawling sensation at the nape of her neck. She snapped her gaze around to see the chama folks in the castle giving disgusted looks at her. The looks didn't faze her, she was rather used to it but the fact that she was so out of it that she didn't notice the people or familiarise the route they were taking disturbed her deeply. All because of this breathtaking temperamental dragon in the form of a human.

She stopped at a big old tapestry on the wall that hung huge and bold among other pictures. There was a crowned man big like a mountain, his red hair so long reaching his midback and he had a thick beard and sundried skin. Authority oozed from his stance. But he had kind blue eyes that stared lovingly at a thin long woman with golden skin and black her. Her black eyes were somehow filled with much more love as she smiled at the kids they held. One red headed and another black. Feeling Ryke at her back she murmured, “You look just like your mother..” she added after a moment, "your highness."

He cleared his throat. “I hear that a lot.”

“I’m sure you do. They are here?”

His voice got deeper. “It’s just me.”

“Me too.” She breathed lowly just for her ears. She turned, “What is my task dragon king?”

He stared icily at her for a moment. “First of all stop with the snide! Or I will burn you into ashes without missing a beat. So don't test my patience. And keep walking or do I have to drag you? You are wasting my time!” He rebuked as he strided to the court room.

She blinked at his sudden explosion and the looked at the tapestry and back to his retreating back. Guess she touched a nerve there.

She followed him through the massive gold woven mahagony doors into a breathtaking massive throne room. Massive statues of what she guessed was the former rulers stood in all glory on one side except for a particular one which was smashed into ruins. These people really had some anger issues. She almost flinched when she took in Ryke’s statue, his icy gaze so thoroughly captured that she mentally applauded the sculptor. The walls, the domed ceiling, the chandlier and the floor! She stared at the floor. She was no foreigner to frippery or fancy erotic art and she had seen the most finest and richest arts, literal mountains of it back in Yodam. But this.. She gasped, Fae wings! Is that a dragon and group of humans who were-

“Looks like you have taken a liking to it.”

She looked up to see Ryke sitting on a massive gold throne. She noticed a thin spiralled rose-gold crown adorned with dark diamonds which resembled a big ring snugly embellishing his crown and his black hair fell lazily around his face yet giving him all the grace of a king. And he now wore a glittering black robe which was of course untied.

She clucked her tongue. “Confused actually.”

He tipped up a brow as he exchanged a quick glance with a brunette who stood behind the dias along with dragon fly and a blond man. Ryke made a gesture of go on.

“Nothing big really. I don't understand the purpose of illustrating sex on the floor.. Unless this is supposed to be a manual for a live fornication with dragons.” She pursed her lip. “Not that it is my business.”

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