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Emmanuel wasn't a stranger to hookups, in fact he knew them better than regular relationships. So he knew that when he felt his bed shift that the man he hooked up with after getting some drinks the night before was trying to quietly sneak out. Which he didn't mind, except the man was anything but quiet, well at least to a sleepy Emmanuel.

He slowly stirs awake, his eyes finding the man at the edge of his bed pulling his shirt on from the night before. He smirks, "Leaving so soon?" He asks in teasing tone

The man turns his head, "Would've stayed longer if I didn't have work in an hour." He says, a smirk playing on his lips

"Stay a little longer, all I need is fifteen." Emmanuel replies

The man chuckles, shaking his head, "As tempting as that sounds, I really have to go." He says before leaning towards Manny, almost as if he's leaning in for a kiss, causing Manny to freeze up. Noticing his tense state the man chuckles before moving his lips to hover over Manny's ear, "The names Jackson by the way." He whispers

Emmanuel relaxes, chuckling, before he could say a word Jackson was already on his way out of the bedroom, but before he leaves he turns his head, "I left my number on your nightstand, call me." And with that he left the bedroom

Manny didn't usually call hookups after a one night stand, because that was all they were to him, and most of the time that's all he was to them, but after the night he had he was genuinely considering it.

He waited until he heard his front door close before turning in his bed and finding a piece of paper with the boys number on it. He looks at it for a second then looks between his trashcan and the nightstand.

His slides open his nightstand and places the piece of paper in there.

For research purposes. Duh.

After laying in bed for a bit, he finally he decides to get up and get ready for work. His shift started in thirty, but he wasn't worried about being late, he lived five minutes away from the station and it only took him 20 minutes to get ready.

He takes a shower before eating a quick bowl of cereal and then changing into his uniform. He already knew today was going to be a good day, given the fact that it was rookie day.

Rookie day was the day police academy graduates get put into the real thing. Each new rookie assigned to their station would be assigned to a training officer, who would basically teach them the in's and outs of being a police officer.

Emmanuel loved it because each time he got a new rookie, they'd be perfect by the end of the week, it truly boosted the mans ego further than it needed to be. He also loved it because rookies did whatever it took to impress their T.O's, even if that meant getting them free lunches.

That was the main part but we don't have to discuss that.


Emmanuel finds a seat next to his coworker, Talia, as roll call begins. He had gotten here just in the nick of time, which was expected of him, as long as he didn't come late he didn't care.

"Meet any of the rookies yet?" He whispers to Talia, the girl nods her head over to the front, where four new rookies sat, their muscles visibly tense

"Me and Angela messed with the old one, told him he had to go to Cap." The girl quietly laughs, earning a chuckle from Manny, "Tim met the legacies child, tried to scare him, didn't work. Not too sure about the other two." Talia finishes, Manny looks more closely at the group up front

His eyes linger on the back of "the legacies" head, one that was too familiar for his liking. His chucked it off as being a coincidence though.

It couldn't be him, could it?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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