On My Vacation?

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(📢Hehe..hiiiii👋🏿Unfortunately, I forgot I wasn't a kid anymore and had responsibilities to take care of, which is why this chapter is so late...don't you love adulting🙃Back to our regularly scheduled programming🩵)

{Jordan's Pov}

You know how you shouldn't be cLiNgY with people you just met? No, I'm not... clingy. I'm just... concerned. CONCERNED OF HOW IT'S BEEN 2 DAYS AND THIS NIGGA AIIN RETURN NONE OF MY PHONE CALLS OR TEXTS??? AND DOESN'T HE LEAVE TOMORROW?!

I knew it. I fuckin knew it--

"Girl. Are you ok??"

I heard Alyssa, but I'm really not in the mood for talking, so I huffed in response

"Maybe he's busy?" She said

"Busy.. on vacation?" I asked

"Well, maybe he wanted to hang out with his friends, and he lost track of time -"

I interrupted. "Has Colby texted you?"

"Yeah.. but that doesn't -"

I kept going. "When was the last time he sent you something?"

"Like..." She looked at her phone. "10 mins ago -"

"So he's texting you. Where's Rae?"

"I think she said her and Josh are hanging out today -" She saw my face, the annoyance with a pang of jealousy on my face. "B-But that's beside the point -"

"I knew it. He just wanted me for his own pleasure.. how could I have been so stupid?" I got up and paced around her room

"Don't say that. It's not like he got any sex -"

"He might as well had! I didn't get anything out of this, but lips -!"

There was a knock at her door. Alyssa opened it, and it was her brother.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asked

"He's not returning her calls or texts." She explained

How does he..

"He just got back yesterday?? How does he know what's happening?" I asked

"Girl, I updated him as the events went on. You know I tell him everything. But yeah, tell her she's exaggerating."

"I'm not! Bruh Alyssa, he literally leaves tomorrow. And how ironic, we make out and he ignores me afterward?? What if I was a terrible kisser and he didn't want to hurt my feelings -!"

"Woahhh! Calm down!" Aiden rested his hands on my shoulders. "You're seeing into this a little too hard. Have you ever thought if he's busy?"

"Bwoy! Yuh an yuh sister bright alike! How are you busy on a vacation??"

At this point, I know I'm overreacting, but I'm slowly over this bullshit.

"Exactly. Vacation. He basically spent all his time with you, maybe he just wants to spend time with his friends.. it's not so farfetched."

I listened as he explained, and I guess I get it. It's just a text..that would've been great, at least.

{Joe's Pov}

Virtual interview here, virtual meetings there, photoshoots? Thank God my photographer is local around here. I thought I was on vacation? I ran my fingers through my hair, feeling somewhat relaxed because I finally got some sleep last night.


Now what..

I got up and answered the door. I was met with Jey and...Rae?? I believe that's her name -

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