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My family decided to have a family dinner, and when we got these big family dinners. We have everyone there. And we bring our girlfriends, boyfriends, wives, husbands, kids.... and I was bringing my kid of course and my boyfriend. 

My family, like my aunts, my uncles, my cousins, my grandparents, they all there. 

I convinced my boyfriend to come with me. Of course he said yes, I want him to live, especially because his family basically hates him now. It was good for him to have another family by his side. 

All the boys help set up and Jasper volunteered although, my cousins had said he doesn't need to. 

We sat at the table and all ate together. We had the children running around my aunt's grass yard, they were giggling and laughing, cracking jokes. These kids, in our family, they are amazing, That's gonna be me soon, seeing a mini me or Jasper running around.... 

"AUNTIE!" "HI!" I said lifting up my nephew. "Auntie Vey, when's the blob coming?" "It's still a long time. 7 months, bud." I said. He giggled and I rubbed my stomach. "But the blob is in there right now. But soon, it'll be here." I said, putting him down. Jasper came over and smiled walking past me and we all sat down. We all ate together and Jasper frowned at me. "What?" "Are you eating enough?" "Babe, I've had 2 plates full of food." "I know, I just- I worry." "I promise. I'm okay. I think its sweet though, you are asking me." I said patting his cheek. 

We drove back home and the entire time, butterflies were flying around me. He was driving and had his hand on my stomach, carefully caressing. "What's on your mind?" I asked. He sighed and continued driving. "Nothing. Just thinking about what I'm going to do, in the morning. I might wake up a little earlier." He said continuing to drive. "Why?" "I might go workout, in the morning. Get right." I smiled and traced up his bicep. "Alright, chill out, babe." He said. "It's good. Maybe I should go with you." "Are you sure?" "Yea, I mean not lift weights, but go with you." "Okay." 

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