Finish strong

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Jasper's pov

Now that Alina was 2 weeks old and we were settling in as parents, although we have had sleepless nights. And we got through high school, yes Veya and I are graduating tomorrow. 

Man, oh man. Where do we start? Like.... this is crazy... the fact that we are graduating is crazy. Veya and I are going to college. 

"Can you believe it? We finished strong, you had our baby girl and now we are graduating?" Veya smiled cradling Alina. "We're at the finish line." She said. I laughed and looked at Alina. "Aren't you the cutest?" I awed. Alina, was sleeping deep in Veya's arms. "Is your mom gonna hold her when we walk stage?" I asked. "Yeah." I nodded and kissed Alina's forehead. "Daddy and mommy love you so so much, Alina. You are the most amazing girl." "Hey kids, it's me. I'm here. How's my beautiful granddaughter?" Mrs. Phillips said. "Hey mom." "Hi baby." She said hugging Veya. "Hello Mrs. Phillips." "Come on, Jasper. We've talked about this. It's mom." She sat on the couch and Veya handed Alina to her. "Aww, aren't you the cutest? Yes you are." She said. I laughed and placed my hand on Veya's thigh. "Are you kids ready? Graduation ready." "Yea, we are ready mom. Really." Veya said. "I'm proud of you all." I looked at Veya and smiled. "College....." She said. I looked down at Alina and kissed her head. 

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