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7 months later

Jasper's pov

I groaned and opened the door. The worst day of my life... I had the worst day of my life. These past 6 months have tired me the fuck out. I feel exhausted. Can't even remember the last time I had a proper 10 hours.....

These past 6 months, 7 months, have been a lot of dad problems and problems with everything else. Veya has been struggling with finishing up, high school. She's getting through it, motherhood and pregnancy and recently, these past few weeks, as we are almost graduating, she has to do these bullshit things such as pregnancy killing her back. The baby has been so big, she's damn near about to burst out of her mom....

"I understand, Mr. Phillips. I really appreciate you sir, everything you have done for me. Yes sir, I do know. Thank you, Veya and I are extremely grateful. You've allowed us to graduate with 4.0s and helped us through out each year." "It wasn't me, Jasper. It was you both putting in the work in. She must be exhausted these days, how far along is she?" "9 months. She can be due any day now." I said. "Wow.... congratulations to you both." "Thank you, Mr. Phillips. And again, thank you for everything." I ended the call and opened the door. 

"Babe." A stressed voice sounded out. Water was on the floor as was my girlfriend. "Veya. Oh my god. What happened?" "My water broke." She said. "Oh my god." I said. I called the ambulance and they came in 10 mins. "Babe, just hold on." 

As she was in the room, the nurse came to check. "She's only 9cm, she's almost there. How are the contractions feeling, sweetie?" "It hurts." Veya groaned clutching her stomach. Veya's mom ran out and hugged me. "Are you okay? Is she okay?" "She's okay. Just.... she's almost there. God, I feel so bad. She was on the ground for who knows how long and I was gone. This is what happens when I'm gone...." Veya's mom stopped me. "It's not your fault, Jasper. What matters, is you stuck by and you are here. Now, go in their with my daughter. But remember, you still have to make a honest woman out of my girl right?" I laughed and hugged her. "Thanks mom." I left and got into the room. "Hey babe, how you feeling?" "Like I'm ready to get her out." "And that you are, Ms. Hoa, you are ready. I need you to push for me." I grabbed my girlfriend's hand and she screamed as she pushed. "Babe, I can't. I can't." She cried. "You can, baby." I said kissing her sweaty hair. She screamed and pushed as hard as she could. 

Veya's pov

When I heard her cry, I couldn't believe it. I'm a mom... I'm an actual mom...."Oh my god, she's beautiful." I said holding her in my arms. "She's amazing." Jasper said. His eyes full of love, full of pride and joy. "We have a daughter, Veya." 

After an hour and everything calmed. The nurse walked in. "Mom and dad..... we need a name for your child. Do you have one." I smiled and Jasper motioned for me to say it. "Alina Sarah Joy." 

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