A real family

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I groaned as I stumbled in front of the door, I got my key out and struggled to put it in. "Mommy." "Yes, baby." I heard from the other side. "Mommy." "Yes, baby." I opened the door and put my bag down. I rubbed my eyes and slide down the wall. "Fuck...." I whispered. "Baby... are you okay?" I got myself up, forcing a smile to my wife. "I'm okay." She frowned and took my jacket off. "What happened?" I rubbed my forehead and looked at her. "I just- feel so tired. I don't know why- I feel more- tired than usual." 

Veya's pov

I put my hand on my husband's forehead, feeling it be extremely hot. "I feel hot and cold." "You have a fever." I said. He groaned and stood up. "I need to- I need to make dinner. I promised." He said struggling to the kitchen. "No, honey. Stop.... its okay...." He looked up at me and I kneeled down, I lifted his chin and gave him a soft kiss. "Alina." He said. "She's sleeping. Maybe, you should as well. Go lay down." He mumbled, walking upstairs to go to the room. I frowned and looked at him. "What are you feeling?" "A fever. My head feels like trash." He groaned and laid down. "I'll make you soup." "No, what? Babe, you are tired. You've been taking care of Alina all day. Just rest." "And you have been working since 6am....and its 7pm right now. You need rest." He coughed and looked at me. "I love you. So.... so much...." I smiled and gave him a kiss. "I love you too. Now... rest." "I'm serious. I'm so glad, we happened....." I giggled and looked at him. "Did you think we would have a whole family?" "No... let alone date you? Be married to you?" "Okay, I'm no goddess." "I beg to differ, Veya." He said. I grabbed his hand and held it tight. "I love you. I'm glad its you... I'm glad I married you." I whispered, kissing his cheek and leaving the room, letting him rest. 

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