Chapter 32. Grandiose Stage | No Breathes From Hell

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As Izuku and Momo made their way into the Stands, the eyes of shame in the raven haired girl her actions were strong, many looked at her a little scared and with disapproving faces from heroes and the general public alike. To be honest, no one could make sense of what she did or the why, it seemed like such a brash and insane action, all for something that from the Audience's perspective was with no purpose.

That is mainly the reason why both were walking together to the Class Stands, the Jade Bunny standing to her side while looking his usual way at the moment. He already had his talk with her, but there still were a few things to deal with.

"Tomorrow if possible, meet me at Takoba Municipal Beach, okay?"


"You want to work by my side, right? Not Izuku's, but mine."

The girl looked at him confused, all before noticing the seeming change in his eye color that from the soft green to a blaring Jade Green. This left her perplexed, her mind thinking deeply about this as she thought back to her comment on his change of demeanors and much more.

"...Izuku... Y-You have..."

"It seems you figured that out too. Guessed me snapping him out of the Brainwash would become a dead giveaway."

"...Is that how you snapped out of his mind control?"

"Yeah, but it was in exchange of something. He didn't like it, but he still agreed."

"And that in exchange is?"

"Letting me fight Bakugo with everything our human body has."

Momo looked surprised, she expected something on the likeness of that as her mind went back to what has already been almost 2 months ago. Her eyes widened in surprise as she looked at Izuku, realizing and putting a connection with the demeanor and eye change, apart from the obvious thing, that on those final moments of the Training Battle, it was Deku who came out to try and beat Katsuki.

"...A lot of things are beginning to make sense... Did you have to do with the shooting a window on a hallway filled of students?"


Scratching the back of his head, his eyes became softer again, and on queue, the greenette spoke in a nervous tone.

"I uh... may have let emotions get the best of me and him when I heard everyone struggling, even tho breaking the glass could've hurt more people... B-But hey it worked...!"

"Not your proudest moment?"

"Not at all. There's much more we have to talk about, and while I don't plan on telling you everything else, if you truly want to help us, I have to tell you plenty of things, hence why I'm saying we should meet tomorrow at the Beach."

"But why there?"

She asked curious. Izuku just smiled still nervous as he reached for his phone, taking it out and going through his photo gallery before showing her a photo of him crying in the floor after flopping in the ground. She looked even more confused and curious at this.

"T-That's how I looked, and I think you remember how Takoba looked like?"

"Yeah, it used to be a trash field... w-wait..."

"He sucks as a teacher, but he knew pretty well a place like that was definitely perfect to build muscle."

As both entered the Class 1-A stands, people looked towards them, kinda expecting something to be going on or to reprimand Momo's actions, but seeing her shocked and flabbergasted look with the nervously smiling greenette surprised them.

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