Chapter 21. The Fight Club

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Bakugo stepped out of the now turned off car, he looked around rather surprised to see they were behind one of the many restaurants of Yaizu which left him rather confused. He knows that the Underground in a dangerous place known a little by everyone who lives on it, he showed to want to understand the why they were in this area as his dad stood up and looked around with his son.

"So... is this it?"

"Not exactly, we got a bit more to do before it."

"And that is?"

"Enter the place."

Masaru states as he walks up to a nearby trashbin, kicking it and to the surprise of Bakugo, it didn't fall over. He looked at this confused for a brief second before the lid opened, revealing a camera to be within in.

"You know the rules?"

"And so do i."

".....There's no way-"

"Access Granted."


Bakugo turns around as he starts to walk towards the nearby car as Masaru suddenly explodes in worry while looking at his son as the nearby manhole cover started to open up.

"W-where are you going??"

"I'm not entering a place where the password needs you to say the lyrics of Never Gonna Give You Up!!"*he turns back to him while making a line with his hands.*"Is a good song but there's limits to even the best of jokes!! I cannot accept this!!"

"Come on! I can't do much about it!! Is been the Password for almost 3 centuries!!"

"3 WHAT!?"

"Just come on!! I'll tell you more once we're inside!!"

Both of them decided to walk to the manhole where Bakugo looked at it, it was one but... it seemed different for some reason.

Walking down the massive tunnels along with his father, the two of them could only look around. One out of curiosity while the other one to see if there was anyone following them at the moment since places like this tend to have a lot of people crawling across it.

Bakugo didn't know how to feel about this place beforen noticing something, a nearby door, it left him confused to the why this would be here at all an why no one would ever do much about it before going to touch it, just having his father stop him.

"Is gonna give you the shock of your life if you touch it, I don't recommend you to do it."


"The fact you see this door has particular implications tho, it means that it does base on DNA."

"What are you on about?"

"No one that doesn't have their DNA registered to the door can see it, but in part your DNA is mine so it means you should be able to see said door and maybe even access it as a Staff Member."

"So this door..."

"No one has found it since this place has been intact for 3 centuries as I told you. This is a historical area of the city so all they do is take care of it from time to time for the better of it."

"...This is shocking me a lot..."

"You've not even seen anything yet."

Masaru's hand quickly reached to the door, letting him open the metal door as a blinding light struck both him and Bakugo who could only cover himself due to how stunned it left him. His eyes were trying to adapt the best they could as it slowly passed him and finally let him see what was in front of him.

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