Chapter 29. Unhinge Behaviour

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"mmmmm.... legs."

Sero could be seen hitting Izuku over the head as the two begun screaming at one another. From the last point we left with all of them having a calm talk and screaming about that one woman they came across toppin' Izuku, some things happened.

The girls, as to correlate to Izuku's comment, had been told by an anonymous source of pure unmatchable trust(Mineta) that they were to put on Cheerleading Uniforms for a little competition incoming for everyone equally, this led Momo to make costumes for everyone in the class, just for them to be welcomed by hormone-filled teens and shocked people who didn't know the why they were dressed like this.

Another thing to have happen is the clear and obvious fact that Izuku has had an unnerving feeling when it comes to his classmates and their reaction to meeting Bibian, sure none of them know her, but the fact they saw their respected and usually tamed Class Representative experiencing that, was something else.

Touya and Katsuki kept on talking to one another nonstop and just reminiscing of the simple stuff before they were ran mental by each other and fell apart. In truth, neither wanted that to be the case, but the actions of one another differ a lot, so much so that their falling out only became clearer for both thanks to that.

Another thing that happened is that everyone struggled to get to the place, you'll wonder why and its simple. The maze is still up and the main arena is also ravaged, which raises a level of concern to the students, but that doesn't take away the fact everyone had gotten lost in the process of making their way towards the main event where they were told to be after healing up or getting some water.

Whatever they were about to be told was going to be either annoying or frustrating to hear, but they didn't have much more to do other than listen.

But back to Class 1-A.

"Oh my fucking god..."

Katsuki said as him and most boys are struggling to take in the information of the what they had just witnessed, or well, are witnessing, since their female classmates look dead inside as all eyes and cameras have seem to be driven towards them due to this.

"Who gaslit you girls?"

Katsuki asked, looking at them.

"W-we weren't gaslit..! We were instructed by Mineta that Aizawa said him to do that..."

The naive Momo commented, all before it clicked on everyone equally the what happened, as she collapsed on her knees and looked utterly depressed.

"I-I was played... all to do his bidding..."

Momo said in a surprisingly emotion filled tone as most girls looked even more dead inside and beginning to feel rage brew towards the little grape. Katsuki just looked at him, who just begun to shake while smiling.


"..I just... Two things. 1, well done, now I know who my main gaslighting weapon will be in the future. No. 2, what the fuck dude?"

"Ah..well I... Uh... I mean... It looks nice on them."

"...Okay, that's a given and you know it."

Katsuki comments, taking aback most of the girls as he looks at them.

"What? Take a compliment from me you bit-"

"Just accept it." *Izuku said covering his mouth with his hand.*

Izuku just smiled, as his mind seemed to be going at a million miles per hour. He than looked at Mineta.

"We're gonna have a talk, you and I. I mean it. Is just gonna be you and I until you understand what you did was entirely wrong"

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