Mother's Day

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"Dan, what does the world look like in color?" Dan's little cousin Allison asked.

"Well Ally, I have no idea. The world still looks black and white to me, just like how it looks to you." Dan responded sweetly as he pat his younger cousin on the back.

"But I thought you could see colors once you became an adult!" Ally exclaimed with a confused expression on her face.

"I'm afraid you're mistaken Al. You can only see in color once you've kissed your soulmate for the first time." Dan explained.

"Oh. So my mommy and daddy can only see in color because they found each other and kissed for the first time?" she asked.

"Yes, and that'll happen to you too if you're lucky." Dan said. Ally smiled and did a little twirl as she walked away from Dan. They were at a mother's day barbecue at Dan's family's home. He had left his apartment with Phil in London for the weekend and he was already 100% ready to go back. 

"Hello Daniel, you're looking rather exhausted. What time did you go to bed last night?" Dan's Grandma said as she approached him. 

"I went to bed at 3, I was feeling a little homesick." Dan responded kindly.

"Homesick? You are home!" she said.

"Well, the only place I really consider home is where I feel the happiest and most comfortable. London is a perfect suit for me and Phil is the perfect roommate." Dan responded.

"Keep talking about him like that and we're going to start to assume he's you boyfriend!" His grandma joked. Dan blushed and stammered out a small laugh. Dan had never really been attracted to Phil but he never ruled out the possibility of them dating because they were both bisexual.

"Well Happy Mother's Day again Grandma, I'll see you during Christmas or something, Bye!" Dan blurted nervously as he scurried away into his childhood room. He took his phone out from his pants and plugged in his headphones as he flopped down on his bed. He pressed shuffle and took a deep breath as "Nine in the Afternoon" by Panic! At the Disco started to play. 

Back to the street where we began, Feeling as good as lovers can, you knowYeah we're feeling so good

Dan couldn't help but think about Phil. This whole song reminded him of the Manchester Days. He missed Phil. Sure, they were only friends, but he couldn't help but feel like there was always a magnetic pull between them. Dan shook his head as he dismissed the ridiculous thought of him and Phil ever getting together. 

"But what if-?" Dan whispered to himself before being cut off by a familiar voice.

"OoooOo what if what?" Dan's mom asked as she stood in the doorway. Dan quickly shot up from bed and took his headphones off.

"I was singing along to a song." Dan stammered immediately.

"Oh. Well you should be more social, everyone here is looking forward to seeing you." She said.

"I'm not feeling well, can I just stay in here?" he asked hopefully.

"Fine. But you better be more social during Christmas time." She said as she left and shut the door behind her. Dan sighed in relief and smiled as he saw a new text from Phil pop up on his phone. 

P: Heading back from the North right now! When will you be back?

D: It's about an hour cab ride back and I'm leaving in like 20 minutes so I'll be back in roughly an hour and a half :)

P: Yay! Time to watch some anime and then sleep for longer than 4 hours!

D: You couldn't sleep either?

P: I couldn't. It was weird in the house without you. I felt a little off. 

D: Same! Isn't that weird? Maybe we're possessed.

P: Oh no. Well cya in "roughly an hour and a half :)" !

D: Hey don't mock me! Bye!!!

Dan smiled at the thought of finally seeing Phil after 3 days of separation. He had already scheduled for a cab to come to his house and the notification said it was already there. A bit early, but Dan didn't mind. He grabbed his black backpack stuffed with his clothes and various other items, along with some things he left at home when he first moved out 5 years ago. He stepped through his old bedroom door and into the crowded living room that was occupied by many of his family members. 

"You aren't leaving Daniel, are you?" One of his aunts asked.

"Unfortunately yes, Phil and I have some very important meetings to attend tomorrow and we both want to get a good night's rest." Dan responded calmly. 

"Wow Dan, you spend more time with that boy than any of your family members. What are you, dating or something?" One of his uncles joked. Dan laughed and turned a deep shade of red before saying goodbye to all his family members and hopping into the cab waiting outside. 

Hope you guys liked the first chapter! This isn't going to be a full length fanfic, only around 10  chapters or so, but it's going to be a roller coaster so get ready. I'm really excited! Thank you for reading <3

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