Trapped Within (AOT AU/ Mermay Project~)

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Hey guys :3 It's mermay :3 And I know I'm a bit late BUT what a better way to celebrate the end of mermay than writing about a voracious siren? :3

This is based off a scenario I had with a bot I created but obviously it's cooked so it can resemble a story lol

This an AoT pirate AU~

I hope you like it!

Warning: (hard) Vore, gore, digestion


The infamous pirates of the ship known as Gloomy Leventia were especially popular for their viciousness. They never spared a chance to obtain gold, diamonds and other precious stones in order to fulfill their lifelong dream of conquering the seven seas in search of big treasures and valuable goods. Of course, such a mighty crew of corsairs required a leader that was none other than the most feared captain alive: Levi Ackerman. His fearsome visage came in stark contrast with short height. The black eyepatch that covered his left eye was testament to all the hardships he had overcome throughout the years and his head decorated a pirate's hat like no other, made out of the finest velvet and ornated with the most exotic feathers one could find. Part of the captain's right palm was missing, as he had lost it while wrestling a crocodile, and in his place he had planted an imposing hook.

As menacing as the captain was, his underlings were nearly just as wicked. In his disposal was a crew of thirty men, among those his three most trusted pirates: Mikasa; a star hand-to-hand combat fighter and a master at wielding her sword, also known among the crew for being the captain's niece. Then there was Eren, who was good with his daggers and cutlass, and a naturally capable brawler, armed with a hot head and a low temper. And last but not least, Armin; he was Levi's biggest asset as he was a great strategist and knew his way around guns and cannons. The mere mention of their ship's name was enough to spread error to anyone's heart.

But this time the rest of the world was safe from their dire avarice. This time, the object of their longing was an ancient, well hidden artifact called “The siren's pendant” which was rumored to hold power over the very essence of sea itself. Despite their avidity for riches and objects of high value, the pirates had an unquenchable thirst for power. They yearned for absolute dominion and that would be the cause of their demise.


The sun was bright, the sky was clear and the water was just perfect for sailing. Levi studied the map he and his crew nefariously stole from some puny Lord's ship, who obviously wasn't aware of the map's true worth. “Steer right ahead. We're in the right direction.” the captain rumbled, his gaze bouncing between the map and his compass. Eren, who happened to be the one controlling the rudder that moment, acknowledged his captain's remark with a nod and followed his orders.

Soon, something caught the eye of the pirate in charge of the crow's nest. Adjusting his telescope, his eyes widened and he rushed to notify the others. None of the pirates present was able to mask his or her excitement as a gigantic, gray stoned cave entered their view. The natural structure was covered in seaweed and several spots were coated in a moss-like substance. As the ship approached the rocky monument, a sense of pride made their hearts swell. They had been following that route for weeks and they had finally arrived at their destination.

The cave appeared to stretch really high above. It was wide and roomy, able to comfortably accommodate their ship's length and size with ease. As they entered, they came to realize that they would have no need for lanterns since healthy amounts of sunlight slid through several large holes at the top and sides of the rocky cavity, illuminating the entire place.

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